REALLY..Do you think God does bad things to you????

     Good evening, I pray your Monday has come and almost gone without incident, that you have had time to spend with God today and that you know how very special you are! One quick thought...JR Martinez is the bomb on dancing with the stars! 
      Today has been a wonderful day, a titch cool but still beautiful, the storm of yesterday has moved away and we are forecast for mid 60's and sunshine for the remainder of the week! I love this time of year and am trying to get away and up into the mountains to take some pictures of the glorious fall colors there! Since moving to Utah I have always said when I die I want to be cremated and have my ashes scattered when the fall colors are at their optimum, I can't imagine anything more beautiful! But now that I have a GRANDBABY coming who will live in a totally different state, I don't know for sure if Utah will be my final resting place, I don't know if I will be able to live that far away from my GRANDBABY! Can you tell I am just a bit excited?
     This morning I was chatting with a dear friend and the discussion of "God" allowing bad things to happen...God does not allow bad things to happen to us...why in the world would he have given his only begotten son, just to turn around and be "bad" to us. Life happens my friend, life happens...if you really want to lay blame on someone...blame satan....he is always laying in wait for us to have a vulnerable moment, for us the be weak, for us to really get on the right track and start getting really "right" with God and BOOM, here he comes....trying everything he can to try and throw a wrench in the works! This person was talking about a venture that is in the works that will benefit many, that will allow many to have renewed faith in mankind and in God, that will help people become closer with Christ...this is a venture that will affect many on very personal levels and every turn there is another hitch, another and another and another and another!!! This person said to me, it just seems like every time I get close God lets something block it! WHAT...REALLY...come on and think about this....WHY in the world would God block something that is going to help so many on a spiritual level, that will hold as an example to so many of what Christianity is really about??? COME ON, if you want to place blame...blame it on the adversary...that is where the problem lies! Okay off of the box now, it took me a while to point out things and instances in my own personal life that for a split second I thought...GOD, why are you doing this to me, only to feel ashamed for even having that thought because I know he is not the cause! He loves me, he is my father, he would never hurt me!
      I like to read many writings and thoughts on inspiration and spirituality, there is a young man, that I have known for many years, I witnessed him being insolent in high school and knew he was really going down a bad road! I was so very shocked when I found out that he is now a minister, that he is doing such a wonderful work for our father in heaven. He posted a "thought" on facebook today that really touched me! I would like to share his writing with you this evening as it really touched me, his love for God!

Look Up... Today's Promise... The secret of the LORD is with those who fear Him, And He will show them His covenant. My eyes are ever toward the LORD, For He shall pluck my feet out of the net... Psalm 25:14-15 NKJV... Ernie's Thoughts... We need to hold our heads up when we are in the middle of our mess. When we look up, we can see over our problems, when we look high enough we will find the answer. This scripture tells us we will find the secrets of the Lord when we fear Him, now this is not fear like we think about when we think of the word fear. This fear comes from respect, it comes from honor, it's out of love, I fear not having Him in my life, I fear the person I use to be. I hope you understand what I'm saying, this fear is a good thing. When you have this kind of love for God the word says He will show you His secrets, His guarantee, His covenant. The next verse let's us know that we may get caught up in some stuff, and when we do He will pluck us out of the net. My net was a life of organized crime and a full blown drug addiction, and all I had to do was to call upon the NAME OF THE LORD, and He set me FREE, He plucked me out of the net and placed my feet upon a ROCK. HALLELUJAH, I'm here to tell you that God is good, He's always on time, and there is nothing that even comes close to being as faithful as He is. Whatever your net me be, get your eyes upon the Lord and watch Him get you out of the net, He is all you need. When you make Him your everything, He can get you out of anything. God bless you all in Him...

If you like what you have just read and are interested in learning more about him and his church, I think he would appreciate you checking him out!
Please know that I pray for you each day and I know if we all cling to our faith and we battle satan on a daily basis, we will come out the victors! God bless each of you in your struggles and your strife, may each day look better than the one before! My love to you in the name of Christ! amen.

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