He can't take your hand if it is in your pocket! ( Dawn-ism)


Good morning and happy Thursday! I pray you had a good nights sleep and that you are up and having a wonderful day! We are forecast for a temperature in the low 70's today! At this time it is 48 degrees, a titch windy with a very cool nip in the air! the sun is shining and the sky is in my favorite form, the clouds are strewn solid with the appearance of being airbrushed there! It almost looks like the ocean to a relaxed eye, sitting here with my head back against the chair for a few quiet moments I am seeing not only mountains but also ocean...perfect if you ask me!
     I vow to begin this DIET today, I am starting out by asking God to help me to control myself around the things I know are not healthy for me, the things that will only allow me to stand at the weight I am or gain and to prompt me to make choices that will allow me to be successful! I ask God to poke me for attention when I am unconsciously putting food in my mouth and am not even hungry, I ask God to help me with my appetite so that I do not sit here with only the need for food on my mind and I ask him to walk with me on this journey each day so that I will wax strong and become healthy in body! In Jesus' beautiful name I ask these blessings, amen!
     I invite you to join us here "on bended knees" in prayer this morning, so many request have been made and so many are in such need of healing..whether it be emotional, spiritual, financial, physical, or mental, there is such need! May surgeons hands be guided by the great surgeon, leaving room for no incident, may recoveries be quick and healing be total, I ask God to touch the ones in need of emotional healing with his comforting hand and allow them to feel his love and his will for them to come to him and confess the nature of their state and then to allow him to work through them so that they can become strong and stand tall, for those suffering spiritual needs I ask God to place those who are examples of Christ in front of them so that they might see the way, that they might be see the light of Christ in others and desire to step from the darkness, for those in need of financial healing Father I ask that you provide a means to an end, you have the grand plan and you hold the keys, father allow them to peace in knowing that even if they are redirected that you will never step away, you will alway provide a way and you will never leave them in the lions den without standing as a shield of protection for them. Father for those suffering physically and mentally I ask that today you take their pain, give them the relief they have been stripped of and allow them to feel your pure and unstained love, allow them to know that with faith both the physical pain and the  mental pain can be managed and taken! Give them hope this day Father, let them be pain free, allow their bodies to rehabilitate with ease and haste, allow their minds to rest and re-generate ! Father I stand before you and know that all of the blessings I am asking of you shall be given if only we hold fast to our faith and cling to your robes for protection. Praying for answers and miracles in the name of our beloved savior, Jesus Christ, amen.
     May this day be filled with hope for you and yours, may you know that you are loved by so many, may you feel God's love in every step you take and know that if you are willing to move your feel God is willing to be your guide!

Psalms 40:1-3
I waited patiently for God to help me; then He listened and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out from the bog and the mire, and set my feet on a hard, firm path and steadied me as I walked along. He has given me a new song to sing, of praises to our God. Now many will hear of the glorious things He did for me, and stand in awe before the Lord, and put their trust in Him.


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