I am already a FAILURE!!!~~~ UGH~~~


  Hello and good evening to each of you! It has been another beautiful day here in Utah, wonderful sunshine, warmer temps and blue skies! I pray that your day has been a beautiful one as well! My daughters great-grandmother on her step mothers side came through the night but is now on hospice for them to keep her comfortable until she passes, I welcome all prayers for her comfort and calm and that she be surrounded by love of those here and those who eagerly await her homecoming. Asking prayers for calm and comfort for my daughter and her Kansas family as their hearts struggle with the sadness of the impending loss. God bless them and fill them with the knowledge that she will be in paradise with you and will wait to welcome them when they make their journey! Please continue to pray for my friends who are going through rehabilitation that they might be filled with super strength and will each and every time they take a session, please pray for my friend who will be having surgery tomorrow that all will go well and that  a full and wonderful healing will take place after! Please continue to pray for my daughter and my unborn grandbaby that the baby will continue to grow and be strong and healthy and my daughter will be rid of the queasies and begin to enjoy this beautiful blessing.
     OKAY NOW FOR CONFESSION TIME!!! I did not start my DIET today, I am sorry to admit this but I am honest! I will try again tomorrow to remember, I wrote about it in my blog this morning, at lunch time I went to the kitchen and made my lunch to include a serving of the banana split cake I made yesterday, so tonight I am going to have another serving of the cake and will get rid of the rest. and will begin again tomorrow!!!! Praying for each of you to have a wonderful nights sleep and will see you tomorrow:) God bless you all each and every one!!!

John 3:16~~~ For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FB Friends and Family - I am asking for your prayers and thoughts. I just put my husband Ronald in the hospital. The doctors have determined he has blood clots in his right leg. As you may remember, he has had clots before and this time we got him to the doctor just in time. He will be in the hospital for 5 - 7 days and needs all the prayers he can get. I truly appreciate all of you - words can never express how I feel about you - Blessings to all!