I am what I am!!! I make no excuses or give no apologies!!!


    Happy Thursday evening, I pray your day has been a good one, it has been here! We could not have ordered a more perfect weather day! We know our days are numbered for wonderful days as the winter is fast approaching and we won't be able to be outside much without being bundled until May! Today I received wonderful news of yet another blessing for prayers we have been lifting, each day I am filled with more and more faith as I am witness to answered prayers! God is so good people he is so very good!
     Yesterday I was talking to someone and it was mentioned that all my blog talks about is God, and praying and all holy stuff, for a split second it stung me, I mean really stung like I was embarrassing this person or that I was TO SPIRITUAL! I do not apologize for speaking from my heart, I do not apologize for praying when there is need and in my world...THERE IS ALWAYS NEED! I do not walk around like I am a holier than any other, I am just a normal person, I have a beer from time to time, I laugh at riske jokes (well some I do, some I don't appreciate) , I smoke cigarettes, I have impure thoughts, I lose my cool and spout curse words..I am far, far, far from being any better than anyone else. I have lived my life with much adversity and at a young age learned that Jesus Christ was my friend, sometimes the only friend I felt I had, I have loved Father God for as long as I have had memory and have had to depend upon him many times just to put one foot in front of the other! I struggle, I have problems, I get depressed, I get angry, I AM HUMAN and I am still learning, I am a work in progress! I will sit and talk with you about any subject, not just spiritual things, I know about drugs, I know about alcohol, I know about sex..I live on this earth and I do not close my eyes to any subjects, I do not get scared away when the kitchen gets hot. I am a normal human being, I do not try to be anything that I am not and I love people, I wish to be a friend to all that know me and if I can be of any assistance at all I am here for you. I know that God is real, I know that Christ lives and I know that prayer is direct communication to God. When I want to talk to friends and family, I pick up my phone and dial them up, we chat and we are done, when I want to talk to God, I ask in the name of Jesus Christ to chat with him and I do, it is not any different than if I call upon someone here on earth, I just don't have to hold a phone to my ear!
     I pray your night is filled with rest and relaxation and that your Friday is filled with only good things! I lift each of you in prayer that you might be witness to the blessings and miracles around you and if you are feeling that you will be less desirable as a friend because of your relationship with God, that you might need to reevaluate who your friends are! God bless you with peace, calm, and comfort and once again will  you join me in prayer for all who are in need of an extra prayer or two. Love in Christ to each of you and know you are appreciated!
     UPDATE: on requested prayers, My daughter's great grandmother continues to hold on to life, I continue to ask God for her to have no pain and to let go of what is holding her here so that she can enter into the kindgom and be in perfect form! My friend who had surgery today has come through and is fairing very well this evening, I continue to pray for her that when the meds wear off that she will be able to tolerate the pain and that she heal quickly. I am praying for another friend who will have surgery tomorrow that God will comfort her as I know she is hesitant and a bit frightened, I ask him to clam her fears and allow her to feel his presence. For my friends who are struggling with rehabilitation I continue to ask God to all ow his strength and will to be theirs and that they be blessed with full and total recoveries. I pray for my daughter and my unborn grand baby that God continue to bless them both with strength and health. I continue to pray for those suffering health, emotional, spiritual, and physical. I pray for our military and our country, and I pray for you and yours! In the name of Jesus Christ, amen!

For the eyes of the Lord are intently watching all who live good lives, and He gives attention when they cry to Him. But the Lord has made up His mind to wipe out even the memory of evil men from the earth. Yes, the Lord hears the good man when he calls to Him for help and saves Him out of all his troubles. The Lord is close to those whose hearts are breaking; He rescues those who are humbly sorry for their sins. Psalms 34: 15-18 TLB

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