Prayers for determination and grit! Will you join me in prayer for these things?


 Happy Wednesday morning my friends! The morning is a beautiful one, blue skies with cotton ball clouds, a light breeze, 43 degrees and the sun is grinning from ear to ear no to be struck behind a bank of clouds is pleasing and warmth to my heart! Sing my fine feathered friends, and what a glorious song it is!
       This morning I stand humbled by the response to my call to prayer last night in regards to my daughter's grandmother, this is her step-mother's grandmother. I have not heard any news this morning but continue to pray for a pain free passing if it be God's will. If he is not calling her at this time, I pray that she be of sound mind and that she have quality and no pain for the remainder of her time here on earth. Thank you all so very much for the kind words and prayers for her, I know it is such a comfort to all who are affected. It is wonderful to have friends such as you to rely on when there is need for special, specific prayer! God bless each of you abundantly.
       Another prayer request that I have this morning is for a friend from long ago, a school mate for my years in the Columbia/Brazoria schools who was injured in an accident and has been confined to a wheel chair, he will begin his rehabilitation today so that he can relearn to walk and be rid of the chair. Please if you will join me here "on bended knees" in asking our Father in heaven to be his all today, to be his strength, his will and his might. Pray that this fine man feel our prayers and allow the love for him to be what is needed to add to his determination! At times in our lives we all struggle, we all are faced with huge hurdles to jump, high mountains to climb, deep holes to climb out of and with prayer and perseverance we make it, having the ability to walk without thought is easy for the most of us, taking for granted our legs, our feet , we rise and move forward without even realizing it is a blessing. When we have that ability taken from us, we then understand what a blessing it is to walk on our own. I ask you today to pray with all of your heart that the rehabilitation process will come easy for him and that he will wax strong in his legs and regain what has been taken from him. I ask these blessings and mercies in the name of our savior Jesus Christ amen.
     I pray today that the hurdles in front of you be knocked over and made flat on the ground, that the mountains you are climbing have a stairway to make the climb easier, that the hole you might be in has a hand extended down to assist in your climb out, and that you realize there is nothing bigger than God, there is no problem he will not help you with, no prayer he will not answer nor anytime he will turn a deaf ear or a blind eye to if you ask with true intent and from your heart! Let him work in you today, let him be the lighthouse that leads you through the storm and let him know you love him above everything in your life! God bless you and yours this day with love, joy, laughter, calm, comfort and peace. In Jesus' name amen and amen again!
     As promised I have started the journey of "DIET", you know the old saying..."if I had a dollar for every time...well if I had a dollar for every pound I have lost and gained I would be one wealthy lady! I am determined once again to get the weight off! I want to be an active part of my grandbaby when he/she is born, I want to be able to enjoy her/him to the fullest. I have many health issues that prohibit a lot of exercise and I am afraid I have allowed this to be a bit of a crutch for me. If I allow myself to continue to use this crutch I will be remembered as the "MiMi" who was always sitting and never physically interacting! Today I am taking a stand in front of each of you and asking that you be my "cheerleaders" in this venture! I know I can do this, I know I can regain much of my health by ridding myself of this excess weight. I will be honest in it and will share my ups and downs each Tuesday evening. Tonight I will post my start weight and a picture of the .."me" today! I thank you in advance for your encouragement! If anyone would like to join me, the more the merrier! Lets get healthy once and for all! I love each of you and ask God to bless you!

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