Separate and Pray!!! The words of the day;)

      Good morning my sweet friends:) The day is starting out with only beauty on display, the sky is filled with cotton ball clouds, the trees swaying with the wind, the birds singing a wonderful tune and there is a crisp chill in the air...who could ask for more?
     In prayer this morning I said my regular usual prayers and then went on to the special, specific prayers requested by others! As I was coming to a close I asked God, "why do people insist upon hurting others" would it not be "just" if just for one day they had to live the life of the other person, if they had to give up some of their comforts and had to see how the other side lived! I guess that would go along with "walk a mile in my shoes" I sit here and watch as one person says or does something that hurts the other, and it makes me so very sad! Why can't we just be happy for one another? Why can't we offer aid when we see another lacking? Why can't we just do nice things without expecting return? I see the good in some but I am apt to say I see the bad much more often! As I asked God this a thought crossed my mind, it crossed my mind and then weighed very heavy on my heart! "Separate and pray" I asked God, what does that mean? I got the feeling on my heart that these are people that I should not associate with on a daily basis, they are people who intentionally hurt others with their greed and their haughtiness. We should all address these types of situations and not fall into the web that they reside in. Pray for them that they find their way but do not continue to abide with them as they will only take you further from God and closer to satan! I have called people on this very subject and it will never cease to amaze me that they actually try to justify their actions as either being naive, or not realizing they are doing said act. The ones that really get me are the ones who try to explain why they are doing said acts...There is never a reason to hurt someone intentionally, if you feel the need to hurt them, hit your knees and ask God to give you peace in heart and then pray for them...Pay back is never the answer!!! It only puts you on a level that is equivalent to the person doing the misdeed! "Separate and pray"  These shall be my two words of the day:) I think I have some separating and praying to do today! Don't "give" with intent of "get" don't do service with ulterior motive, don't be nice for what it will get you! Give from your heart, serve in God's name and be nice in all situations. I pray that if you are a party to this type of situation that you too will pray for guidance and understand what must be done to take your self out of the game! I love each of you and pray for love, joy and laughter for you this day! Always remember give from your heart and expect only God's pleasure in your actions in return!

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