What a lazy Sunday afternoon this has been, well afternoon turned in to evening and I slept, and slept and slept some more! I hate wasting the day like this, but sometimes my old bones just need some rest and rejuvenation!!! After a 5 hours sleep I think I am rested!
      Kudos to the Houston Texans and the New Orleans Saints, both of my favorite teams winning on the same day is awesome. I pray that your day has been filled with goodness and that you were able to rejuvenate on this wonderful day of rest! I pray that those of you struggling with "life" had a day filled with signs of better things to come! I pray that if you have been praying for a miracle that you believe it will happen, that you only allow positive thoughts into your mind and block the negative!! I pray that this coming week will afford you something that will give you peace of mind and that will allow you to know how much you are loved, appreciated and needed! God is so good, with him in your life all things are possible!
     I found this prayer a long time ago and say it each Sunday evening as a hope and faith for the coming week, I share it with you tonight in hopes that if you are facing a week of unease, if you are stressed about what is to come..that you will say this prayer before you retire this night and allow the words run through your being and that when you rise in the morning you know that God has a shield of protection around you and that the new week will be filled with HOPE not DREAD. I love each of you and pray for a better day! I pray that you know that GOD has your back and through Jesus Christ all of God's promises are yours! Have a fantastic sleep, let your mind drift to times in your life that were filled with only joy and sleep in those times! When you get up in the morning, look in the mirror and tell your problems how big your GOD is, not your GOD how big your storms are! The day will look much brighter when you bully your problems with God:)

A new week is beginning...
already I feel the rush.

Slow me down, Lord.

Slow me to the beat of Your heart.

I think of Your words that say
those who wait on You
will run and not grow weary--
and I remember that rest
is not about lack of motion
but rather moving forward with You
so that activity is a blessing not a burden.

I will run this week--there is much to do
but help me do so in a way
that keeps me by Your side.

Waiting and working,
only You could tie those together.

Please do so for me today.

Amen. In the name of Jesus Christ. 

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