To know God is to know love!!!


  Happy Saturday evening to all, it has been a beautiful day here in Utah, although the skies continue to hold clouds that threaten more rain, the sun did come out and warm my heart! I am not much for haze and gloom so sunshine is always welcome in my world!;)
     I pray this day has been a good one for each of you, I got to have a lovely phone conversation with my Megan today and she is feeling very well for being in the first trimester of her pregnancy, of course she has had the queezies off and on and is a bit put out by the fact that her pants are not as comfortable as they should be...she has only gained 1 pound so I am thinking she was just having a "pms" moment! I think it is so cute the way she talks about Derek and what good care he is giving her, they will be such cute parents and that baby will be so very loved!
    I come to you tonight and ask that you pray with me, I know my prayers are much the same each day  but as I explained this morning although they are much alike, they are still very important needs and we must pray each day for relief and for miracles. I pray for health, for healing, for finances, for infertility, for unborn babies, for new born babies, for broken hearts due to loss of loved ones, for those suffering addiction, for those feeling lost and alone, for renewed faith and for hope! I pray that each of you feel the love that God has for you and know that he will for only good things in your life! Let us not ever think he allow bad things to happen to you, life happens and at some point here on earth we will hit walls, we must just persevere and find a way up and over the wall and through Jesus this is always possible! Love in Christ to you and may the remainder of this day be filled with goodness. In Jesus name I ask mercy, blessings and love, amen.

He who does not love has not become acquainted with God [does not and never did know Him], for God is love. 1 John 4: 8

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