sometimes even the strongest hearts get broken! :(


  Happy Sunday, my favorite day of the week! I pray that you have awaken this morning with peace in your heart! That your rest last evening was filled with calm and comfort and that this day will provide for you time to sit and have a quiet visit with Father God.
     This morning I am heavy in heart, sometimes people can hurt others so deeply that there are just not enough tears to cover the pain! When I allow myself to be vulnerable and to hurt this deeply the only thing I can do is sit and ask God to take my heart in his hands and to replenish it with love. I don't often allow myself to hurt this way, most normally I "deflect" the hurt and pray for the situation and know that God will take it from there...when I do allow hurt it really gets me down, I think of our savior Jesus Christ and know that the pain and hurt he endured emotionally was so much worse than mine, here he was being sacrificed so that the multitudes could have everlasting life, he looked down at the very people who had physically crippled him, who had tried their darndest to kill him and he forgave them, he asked his Father to forgive them and then he died for them!!! My hurt is nothing compared to this and when I envision it...I have to let go of mine and move forward! ...okay enough about this. In prayer this morning as I sat in quiet splendor, chatting with our Father in heaven I asked him to comfort those today who are anxious, to calm those who are on edge and to provide peace to those who feel that there is none. I asked God to soften hearts, that are hardened by life, to ease heartache and to provide hope where it seems to be lost. I asked God to hear the desires of each heart today and to reveal answers! I know if we continue to pray for those in need that goodness will begin to transpire and faith will be renewed stronger than ever before! I ask blessings in abundance and mercy for the weary in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
This is a verse of the bible that I refer to everyday at one time or another and the very one I am gaining comfort from today! May it bring comfort to you if you are in need!!!

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

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