Will you share today??????


  Hello and happy Wednesday! I pray this "hump" day has been filled with grins and giggles this morning and that the remainder of the day will be smooth sailing with no hitches in your giddy-up:)
     It is an absolute beautiful morning here in Utah, 43 degrees, sunshine, very light breeze and clear skies as far as the eye can see! What an amazing God we have! Praising his holy name:) In prayer this morning as I sat in the clear cold outside, I prayed my normal and usual prayers, I added several people who have special specific requests, a friend have a procedure this morning for some thyroid problems, another who suffered the night with a migraine and upset stomach, praise the Lord for her report is a great one this morning, she had a good nights rest and is feeling much better, for my special friend who will be battling through the diet thing with me, for a most inspirational person in my world who is caregiving for her sweet mother as she begins her transition to paradise..I asked God to bless each and every one of you by answering your needs and concerns, by allowing you to sit in his lap and confess to him your concerns and troubles, I asked him to allow each of us to feel his strong and mighty arms of answer and for us to come away hope filled and with a renewal of faith! I then sealed these prayers up and lifted them straightway to Jesus Christ our savior and ask him to special deliver them to Father God. Allow God to work in your life today, open your heart, have faith and believe that each and every prayer is answered, maybe not as you have expected  but still answered for your own good! He has written the book and as we all know only the author can make changes in the storyline !!! As I was closing my prayer I had the most wonderful thought come across my heart, what if God ran a special today, what if he said, every time you smile at someone from the heart, not just a face smile..there is a huge difference as you know...every time you felt empathy today and act upon it with true heart actions, every time you said something nice and meant it...you would receive an extra blessing! How many would go in search of persons in need? How many people would wipe the haze from their eyes and be aware of everyone around them, looking for the opportunity to receive that extra blessing? I tried to envision everyone walking around, trying to see if there was anyone in need of kindness and love! I think it would amaze people who really began to look around at how many people they have daily contact with that are in need, people they just pass by without a thought each and every day! I think that once the haze cleared and our eyes are opened that we would not have to look for people in need for they are all around! I invite you to take this challenge and let me know if you come across anyone in need!
     May this day provide for you only good things, may you be aware of those around you and may you execute if you see needs! Smiles are free, kind words are free, being a true example of Christ  is free...if you are not losing but only gaining by giving any of these things away...why are you not sharing them? God bless you with a haze free day so that you can see the hearts in need:) See and Hear with your heart today!  Love in Christ to each of you and know you are here for a reason, that you are on earth with a purpose and that God smiles when he sees us sharing what we were taught in the spirit world!


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