Prayers, prayers, and more prayers!!! Please join me in prayer!!!!


 Hello and happy (biggest loser) Tuesday! I guess you can tell what shows I really enjoy:) As stated this morning, I lost 6 pounds this last week and am hopeful that I will see at least this much next week! I am allowing this show to inspire me as I have really let myself go and physically am suffering from the extra baggage!
   I pray that your day has been a wonderful one, I am seeing that many of my friends got the joy of cooler weather today, I know it was much welcome having endured the horrible heat you had this summer! May you be treated to this type of weather for the duration of fall! I continue to pray for all of you struggling with health issues, with the struggles of rehabilitation, with infertility, with the loss of loved ones, with the bane of financial shortages, with depression and loss of faith, I ask our loving Father in heaven to address the needs of each of you and to give you peace, calm, and comfort while he implements the plans he has written for your next chapters! I ask you to join me in prayer for my special friend who is caregiving for her mother who is struggling so with health, that you pray with me for the health of all of the unborn babies along with the strength and health of the carrying mothers, I ask you to join me in praying for my friend who continues to battle with the loss of her husband, my friends who continue to battle with the loss of a son, a father, a brother, a nephew..., for my friend who continues to battle with the struggles of her son battling drug addiction and for my friend who feels so alone thinking God has tuned his back on her! We are not alone, not one of us, God gave his son for us, he believed in us so much that he sacrificed so that we might have eternal life, why in the world would he turn away from us, I think it is us who are turning away from him, we are allowing "life" to drag us down and drain us of faith when we should be standing with both feet planted telling "life" how strong our faith is, how wonderful our God is and by battling down the ills that are being hurled at us with God being our shield! If we continue to keep in focus who is at the head of everything we do, if we continue to hold fast to his promises and if we let go of doubt when the heat gets to hot in the kitchen, our lives will begin to get easier...I look at it this way, when the sky is falling in on me, I know I am pleasing God because I know that satan will hit below the belt trying to stop the harder he hits I know I am right with God! As I often say, throw a little more at me satan, hit me a little harder, you might make me stagger but you will never make me fall for I am protected by the mighty shield of God an I know he will never let me fall! He will always straighten my stagger and push me forward! He is mighty my friends and all it cost us to have him in our lives is to keep our hands outstretched to him and our hearts full of love for him! I think this is a pretty fair price for eternal love and protection! Do you agree?
     God bless each of you and know you are loved and so very appreciated!


1 comment:

Brenda Spencer said...

I love you,Dawn!
You are a true blessing!