will you take a few minutes to pray with me? Mass prayer produces miracles!!!


 Hello and happy Sunday night, I pray that your day has been filled with the spirit and that you have filled your spiritual tank and are now ready for the coming week! Today was a bit of a dreary day here in Utah, the skies have been filled with pillow top clouds, little or no sun to speak of, there has been a bit of dampness in the air yet it has been extremely still and much warmer than it has been, I am guessing that there is another cold front bearing down on us as this is classic lead in to a good chill!
      Tonight I ask that you join me in prayer, I pray for all of the ones suffering illness this night, for those struggling with rehab, special prayers to Ray beginning his second week of rehab, may he continue to progress and feel all of our prayers as cheering him on to gain strength and make great strides in walking! I also have 2 other friends who are going through rehabs and am cheering for them as well.  I have a sister in Christ who is care giving for her mother who's health deteriorates on a daily basis, please Father allow her to continue to be the strength that her mother has always been for her. I ask that you pray for those who are struggling with depression, who feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, for those struggling with faith, feeling that God has turned his back on them, for our military and our country. I ask our Father in heaven to see the needs of all and that he bless them with with mercy and grace. God is amazing my friends, he will never turn his back on you as long as you reach out to him, love him and allow him to be your guide and your truth.  I came across this wonderful prayer and invite you to pray it with me for the new week. In the name of Christ, amen.
Prayer for a New Week

by Holley Gerth

A new week is beginning...
already I feel the rush.

Slow me down, Lord.

Slow me to the beat of Your heart.

I think of Your words that say
those who wait on You
will run and not grow weary--
and I remember that rest
is not about lack of motion
but rather moving forward with You
so that activity is a blessing not a burden.

I will run this week--there is much to do
but help me do so in a way
that keeps me by Your side.

Waiting and working,
only You could tie those together.

Please do so for me today.


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