~~A CHRISTmas prayer for BABY JESUS~~

As the festivities get under way I wanted to take a moment to wish you the happiest and most love filled Christmas day ever. May God continue to bless you and yours with his unconditional love, with answered prayers and with a shield of protection, keeping you safe from the evils of this world. I love each of you and wish for you sheer happiness and joy. 

I came across this prayer and wanted to share it with you this morning, it says it all! God bless you with peace in heart, calm in mind and comfort in body. Happy Birthday Jesus! 

~~A CHRISTmas Prayer for Baby Jesus~~

Lord Jesus, on this Christmas Day to celebrate Your birth we remember this: 

You denied Yourself and left Your familiar surrounding of a heavenly Kingdom where You were worshipped and adored by angelic beings, seraphim and cherubim. The elders and living creatures surrounded You and continually sang praises to You. Lamb of God, we raise our voice on this occasion to praise and worship You this day. 

God the Father and the Holy Spirit’s love was so strong there---that it illuminated that Great Place. There, You had glory, honor, power, and a Kingdom of peace. You willingly left it all behind so You could be a missionary in a foreign land called the Earth. Lamb of God, we raise our voice to thank You for Your sacrifice on this day. 

You allowed Yourself to be born in a humble stall amidst the domestic beasts of the Earth. You came in such haste, that You were wrapped in swaddling clothes and placed in a manger. Lamb of God, we raise our voice on this occasion to thank You for displaying for us what humility is. 

Your message was so urgent that God placed a bright and shining star in the East, so that men would see the sign that You had arrived. Lamb of God, we raise our voice on this occasion to thank the shepherds and wise men that witnessed Your birth historically for our sake. 

An angel and the great company of the heavenly host praised God and announced this awesome event. Shepherds of the field visited You and rejoiced at Your Presence. Wise Magi brought offerings of their treasures to present to You. They were overjoyed as they bowed down to worship. Lamb of God, we raise our voice on this occasion to bow down and worship You for Your redemption of mankind. 

Lamb of God, we recall and recognize that You have shown man Your great love. We thank You this day as we gather with other Christians throughout the world in memory of Your birth. May our prayer and honor please You this day. May this day be set aside as holy and pleasing to You, through Your Holy name. Amen

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