envy and selfish ambition births disorder and evil practice

Today's Verse
For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.
— James 3:16 (NIV)

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

So, what are your goals and plans for the New Year? Do you have great dreams and laudable goals? I hope so. But, please join me as I seriously look at why I set the goals I do and make the plans I make. In the afterglow of Christmas, that great season of giving, let's make sure our plans for the future are not selfish or based on envy, lust, or greed. Instead, let's set our hearts to reach great heights for God's glory and to do great things to be a blessing to others. Otherwise, all our attempts to reach great things ultimately will end in chaos, heartbreak, and destruction.

My Prayer...

Eternal God, please be with me as I seek to set goals for the coming year. I want to do great things for your glory. Please use me to accomplish your will in the world in which I live and in the group of people to whom you have sent me. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

1 comment:

alan said...

My goal this year is to spread the word of God in this country. We must stand up for his glory in our way of life. This country is slowly becoming an athesist state. Christians no longer control the country. We have ignored God's will as a country. We have ask him to stay out of our lands, government and schools so he has. Our government is in chaos, our economy is horrible, our schools are failing and our lands and people are under attack. If we were the puritans of England we would be seeking a new place to worship but why, America was founded on religious grounds. Our founders came here to worship freely now 500 years later we as christians are the majority but are treated as insignificant. We must put God back in control of this country or we will fail. We must demand our rights and the rights of the people of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior. PLEASE Repost this, email it and tell others about it if Jesus is important to you.