Leave it!!! So that God may bless you in all the work of your hands!!!

I don't normally add my own comment on the "FOOD FOR THOUGHT" message but today something touched my heart so strongly that it had me in tears and then when I pulled this message up..it went hand in hand..
A couple had been out for the day and came home. They had a voice message on their phone that said the food they had left on a persons doorstep had been taken by someone else, they gave their address and only a first name. The couple realized that the call was a wrong number and decided to disregard it. In thought a bit later the man realized that here was a family that would do without food, he had no way of even letting the person know they had reported this to the wrong number. He went steadfastly to the market and bought a big ham and a large box of groceries to go with. He went to the projects where the address was listed and found the residence. He knocked at the door and the family received him with much happiness. In closing the man thanked God for allowing this venture to happen to him and said, "God, when people call in need please don't ever let my number be the wrong number"
I pray that my eyes will be open to see things such as this, I pray that God will call upon me to assist where I can. I ask God to never let my number be a wrong number! All the year long!!!

Today's Verse

When you are harvesting in your field and you overlook a sheaf, do not go back to get it. Leave it for the alien, the fatherless and the widow, so that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.
— Deuteronomy 24:19 (NIV)

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

This is clearly a passage old Scrooge hadn't seen! God has always set aside a provision for the poor. In this time of the year when many people world over take special time to look after those who are less fortunate, let's open our date books and schedule a week to dedicate time for special generosity in May and in August to go with a heart committed to be generous all the time. Let's not let generosity and concern for those less fortunate be a once a year thing!

My Prayer...

For all of your wonderful gifts of kindness and grace, I thank you, dear Father and God. Please stir my heart to care for others as you do. Please help me keep that spirit of concern alive all year long and not just around Christmas time. In Jesus' name I ask this. Amen.

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