My thoughts on the MORMON church!

I don't normally make it a practice to talk about any one religion and normally would not now. I have been prompted so many times today to write on this subject, I have seen many times today the talk about Mormons and really am growing tired of it. I prayed several times whether to keep quiet or to let my thoughts be read and I have to say the prompting for me to write, has finally won out. 

I was baptized into the Mormon church in 1997, I don't think I ever really understood the power of prayer, the power of the Holy Spirit, the Power of Jesus Christ, nor the power of God until this time. I think that I was not spiritually mature enough until then. When I was approached with information about the church it was by a 16 year old girl who had such a light about her, she was such a beautiful young lady with an infectious smile an approach to life that I had never seen and a "sureness" about everything. She worked for me and every once in a while would say..."the missionaries are coming to my house today, should I send them over to meet you?" I would always reply..uh " I think I am busy" finally one day I relented and my life changed...I met the missionaries and then Megan and I chose to take the discussions (lessons about the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) I began the lessons and was overwhelmed with the feelings I felt, with the knowledge that I gained, and with the spirit that was rising in me. After the discussions I decided that I wanted to be a part of this church, I wanted to continue having the feelings that I had and I wanted to learn more, more, more..

I was baptized with my daughter (a very special bond for us) and became very active in the church. some of the things I learned I had difficulty with but none of it that would make me quit the church. I loved the format of the Sunday services, it is broken down into segments with each group gaining special knowledge in their area, relief society is for the adult women in the church, we received lessons on being mothers, on being wives and on being caregivers. The men had a class that taught them about being fathers, husbands and head of their families. There were classes for all of the kids in different age groups and lessons were learned that were suitable to their age. I had the privilege of being a teacher in the 12 year old girls classes and took part in sharing time with all of the children in the church. I was also a ward missionary and am very blessed to have had that calling in the church. I met people of all types in our ward. ( Name of a geographic area whose inhabitants are assigned to attend a specific building at a specific time. A very small ward is called a branch. Several wards and branches make up a stake. A bishop is put in charge of a ward.) I loved most everyone that was affiliated with the church. The companionship that I had was amazing, people always positive and uplifting. I learned so much about the gospel, about prayer, about Jesus Christ and about God, I learned that I am a child of God, I am worthy of his love. I learned about the gift of repentance, the true meaning of taking the sacrament, I learned about me, I took out my endowments (In general terms, an endowment is a gift. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (or Mormon Church), however, frequently use the word in connection with their temples, which they consider to be literal Houses of the Lord. In this context an Endowment is a course of teaching, ordinances (sacred rituals), and covenants (mutual promises between the individual and God) received in a Mormon temple by worthy and prepared adult members.) and was allowed the privilege of going into the temple. I might say going to the temple was such an awesome experience, it was amazing at how the spirit of the Lord engulfed every bit of my being. 

I was a member of the church for 3 years and must say I did have some issues but none that would ever indicate that it was a cult. I have been from step A to Z in the church and never witnessed anything that indicated that there was an underlying tone of a CULT (a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies.)( the definition sounds to me like any church). Really I do not know where these people calling it such are getting their information. I do not understand how they can sit and say such things. Have they been a party to the church, have they been to the Sunday meetings and witnessed the spirit of Christ that lies within its sessions? I think not... or they would know that this is a place approved for worship by our Father in Heaven. I do not know all the ins and outs of the LDS church but I do know truths from God, I do know when I feel the spirit of God and I know what I felt when I was within the comforting walls of the church and the temple. 

I have been to many churches and have found good in each one of them, I think that any place that we gather and worship God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is a true house of God. Just because we do things a bit differently does not mean it is not sanctioned by God. Do you worship God? I worship God so how does that make us different. We all worship the same God! 

I just wanted to share with you my experience with the Mormon church. I love the concept of the church that "family is forever" of "family home evening" (a night when there is no television, or radio, when the family spends quality time with one another) I love the concept of going on dates with your spouse, of praying together each day, of the father taking time on a regular basis to sit and really talk with their children about any problems they may be having, I love being able to call upon elders in the church to come and give blessings ( special specific prayers for overwhelming issues in a persons life) As in all churches there are people that make the experience not what it should be, but as in all of life there will be people that take something good and turn it ugly or bad. Being called a CULT is a horrible injustice to this church and I pray that one day we all can come together in unison as a CHRISTian nation and not be separated by the silliness of "MY CHURCH IS BETTER THAN YOUR CHURCH!"


Unknown said...

My question for you is you say you WERE in the Mormon church for 3 years,why are you no longer a part of the church??

Dawn said...

As I said in my message, there are always going to be people that take something harmonious and make it not so great! I did not want to lose the harmony that I found with our Father in Heaven, I prayed about the pain and anguish I was going through and spoke with my bishop regarding events in my life and decided that it would be best if I parted ways with the Church. I still cling to the values I learned, I live be the tenants of the gospel that I was taught and I conduct myself in a manner that is still pleasing in the church. I will not say that I would be opposed to going back to the church but would have to once again break the habit of smoking which has been a thorn in my side for years now! Thank you so much for asking I appreciate your interest!

Rebecca Birt said...

If everyone could see thier own church in this manner, the world would be a better place. What a beautiful explanation of Mormonism. Thank you my friend