A Prayer not only for myself but for each of YOU!!! I LOVE YOU...

I pray that you have had a great last day of the year, that you are eager to ring in the NEW YEAR with wide eyed anticipation of the wonderful and glorious plans that God has fashioned for each of you. I invite you to join me in prayer this night asking God to be with each of us in the NEW YEAR that we might be closer to him and that our nation begin the feat of standing UNITED in His name. 

My New Year's Eve Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

As the dawn of this New Year begins, please bless my family and friends that will be on the roadways tonight, be a shield of protection for them, sheltering them from any harm that may be in their path, remind them to make good decisions and right choices as they celebrate. Please help us to be enriched by every new and precious moment. Draw us closer to you with each sunrise and every sunset. Guide us to know your will. Help us to always say yes to you. Walk with us every minute of every day. Carry us when times are tough. Help us to always keep our eyes focused on you. Give us strength to make decisions based on our faith in you.

Help us to see the possibilities each new day brings. Give us the zeal and anticipation of the New Year with every new month, new day, new minute, and new second of our lives.

O Heavenly Father, thank you. Thank you for the opportunities this New Year has in store for us. Help us to see the blessings, even in the roughest days. Help us to always view your amazing creations with gratitude.

Thank you for the blessing of each sunrise and sunset, a mountain breeze, the sound of a rushing waterfall, the warm sand underfoot along a beach. Thank you for family, friends and companion animals. Thank you for all the doors you open for us; even the ones we might not see at first. Thank you for the many blessings you bestow upon us this year and every year.

Bless our soldiers as they find their way home, be with the ones still on foreign soils and bring them home safely, be with our Nation Father, impress upon our officials the need for you, impress upon them that without you we shall fall. 

I pray this in the name of your beloved Son, my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


I came across this and felt it most perfect for tonights message. I love each of you, I appreciate each of you and I look forward to sharing many prayers, may miracles and many moments in God's presence with you. Be safe all!!!

Keeping it in Focus

"There is no place where God is not. God is there in a thousand wonders, upholding rocky barriers, filling the buttercups with their perfume and refreshing the lonely pines with the breath of his mouth. Descend…into the lowest depths of the ocean, where undisturbed water sleeps, and the very sand is motionless in unbroken quiet, but the glory of the Lord is there, revealing its excellence in the silent palace of the sea. Borrow the wings of the morning and fly to the uttermost parts of the sea, but God is there."

His beauty is stamped in all of creation:
The glory of God can be seen
from the smallest raindrop
to the mighty flash of lightning;
from the tiny rosebud
to the huge magnolia blossom;
from the rich, fertile soil of the Mississippi Delta
to the arid, dusty land of the desert.
We can see His stamp of glory in all the world,
from the music of a sparkling brook
to the majestic tumbling waterfall;
from the gnarled, gentle hands of a loving grandfather
to the birth-fresh fragility of a baby’s fingernail;
from the silence of the stars to the peal of thunder;
from the mirror-like smoothness of a placid lake
to the wind-driven thunderous waves smashing on the shore.

In the fresh greenery of the spring; in the dazzling color of autumn; in the joy of discovery on a baby’s face; and in the fulfillment and meaning of the New Birth, we can see the glory of God. 
Charles Haddon Spurgeon

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