We must~~ SPREAD GOD'S WORD~~United we Stand, or Divided we fall???

I saw and am seeing more and more posts on facebook heralding prayer, people are beginning to speak out against the nay sayers and are finally beginning to realize that with GOD taken out of the equation we have gone to "hell in a handbasket" as a nation. Where once we stood United, we now stand divided and as the phrase says United we stand~~Divided we fall. In looking at the state of our nation we are falling and we are falling fast! It breaks my heart to hear ridicule over someone praying in public, I have been ridiculed and I know how it feels, I can see where people stop showing public displays of affection to our LORD and SAVIOR, it gets really hard to continue when you are repeatedly laughed at and made fun of. Hats off to those who are not ashamed of HIM. When I heard what was said by a comedian on HBO regarding Tim Tebow I was literally appalled...I will not post the ignorant words that were spoken, or better stated "tweeted" but I will give you the link so that you can read for yourself. I stand impressed that this young man KNOWS who is responsible for his blessings in life and he is not ashamed to honor him...

But whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.
Matthew 10:33 ESV 


I am seeing more and more folks standing in agreement on prayer,  entire sports teams bowing their heads in prayer.....Each of us has got to take a stand, we have got to STAND UNITED with GOD as our LEADER.
The following was posted on facebook today and I wanted to share it with everyone that would read it, I am so thankful for all of my followers from the United States and from countries other than the United States and wanted everyone to be able to share in this as with me!  

"My goal this year is to spread the word of God in this country. We must stand up for his glory in our way of life. This country is slowly becoming an athesist state. Christians no longer control the country. We have ignored God's will as a country. We have ask him to stay out of our lands, government and schools so he has. Our government is in chaos, our economy is horrible, our schools are failing and our lands and people are under attack. If we were the puritans of England we would be seeking a new place to worship but why, America was founded on religious grounds. Our founders came here to worship freely now 500 years later we as christians are the majority but are treated as insignificant. We must put God back in control of this country or we will fail. We must demand our rights and the rights of the people of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior. PLEASE Repost this, email it and tell others about it if Jesus is important to you."

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