"We should all pray for boldness to speak about God!"

I get so excited when I come across a good read, and I feel that this is one of them. How many times have you felt the prompting to speak about God to someone but felt that it was not your place because you were not a minister, a pastor, a person of the "cloth". I love what Pastor Ernie has to say regarding this...I hope it will help to open a door that has been closed in your life! 

Prepare The Way... 

Today's Promise...As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet, saying“ The voice of one crying in the wilderness:‘ Prepare the way of the LORD; Make His paths straight. Luke 3:4 NKJV... 

Ernie's Thoughts... I believe we all have the same responsibility as John the Baptist, it is up to us as Christians to prepare people for the coming of the Lord. I had a man that's staying at The Freedom House ask me last night how he should share with people about God. I think this is a question that more people have than want to admit. How can we prepare people for the returning of the Lord, what if I can't quote very much scripture, what if I don't know what to say, I'm not a preacher. Have you ever felt like this, the truth is we all have felt like this at some time or another. Remember, I said one of the guys at The Freedom House asked me how he should tell people about God. This is what I told him, all of us that are saved have something to talk about, we need to speak from the heart about what God has done for us. Don't get caught up with trying to preach to people, talk about what you know, when you speak from your heart you open yourself up to the Holy Spirit, before you know it God will be speaking through you. We all have a testimony, it doesn't matter how similar they are, none are the same. You have yours and I have mine. When you share from the heart about what God has done for you, people will be blessed and encouraged, and seed will be planted in their lives. When it is all said and done, because of your testimony they will have heard about the Lord. Hallelujah. We should all pray for boldness to speak about God, and for the anointing of John the Baptist. God bless you all in Him... www.thefreedomhouse.net

Pastor Ernie Hutchings

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