"You Just Don't Understand What I Went Through!!!"

Today's Verse

Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are being tempted.
— Hebrews 2:18 (NIV)

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Jesus was tempted like we are! He suffered like we do! God in his grace made sure that we have someone in heaven who knows what it is like to face suffering and mortality. This knowledge is not only omniscient wisdom. Jesus also guarantees that heaven's knowledge includes human experience. Aren't you thankful that Jesus knew suffering and mortality and that he now lives to redeem, to bless, and to ultimately help us mortals?

It was necessary that Jesus was tempted! Jesus is the judge of all men, and the only way that he could mete out judgment upon the children of men was if he had proven that there is no temptation that cannot be withstood, under every circumstance. He had to make sure that there would never come a time when a man or woman, who had given in to a temptation, would say: "You just don't understand what I went through!"

My Prayer...

Loving and Almighty God, I know you know me and what is best for me. But Father, I'm even more confident in your care and understanding because Jesus shared in our wrestling match with suffering and mortality. Thank you, Jesus, for pleading my cause at the Father's right hand. I ask for the Father's continued grace in your name, Lord Jesus. Amen.

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