~~YOU~~are a present to the world...remember this always!

Good evening all!  I pray your day has been all that you had expected, that you enjoyed being with family and friends and that now you are in the "wind down" mode. Ready for a little re-organization of home and eagerly awaiting the dawn of the New Year. 

In prayer this evening I thanked God for allowing us time to visit with the boys, time for Wayde and I to enjoy yet another Christmas together and time for us to share in the wonder and excitement with the two youngest G-babes as they opened their gifts from Santa! I missed you Meg but I will see you soon and it will be a wonderful Christmas get together for us. I asked God to bless each of you with the spirit of this day to allow you to really feel the wonderful gift that each of us received so many years ago. I asked God to bless each of you with an abundance of love and happiness, to make ready for the New Year, to sit and reflect on the days past and decide how your coming days will be lived. God is so good to us, even in times of hardship and sorrow he is right there picking us up, dusting us off, and sending us forward. Thank you dear father for all of the love that you give to me. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior once again I say Happy Birthday to you and close this prayer with love. Amen.

I came across this and thought it a good read for the dawning of a new day, another year down and a new one on the horizon. I felt this important to read and to absorb, because you are indeed a present to the world!!!

The Few Things
You Really Need to Remember

Remember that your presence is a present to the world.

Remember that you are a unique and unrepeatable creation.

Remember that your life can be what you want it to be.

Remember to take the days just one at a time.

Remember to count your blessings, not your troubles.

Remember that you’ll make it through whatever
        comes along.

Remember that most of the answers you need are within

Remember those dreams waiting to be realized.

Remember that decisions are too important to leave
        to chance.

Remember to always reach for the best that is within you.

Remember that nothing wastes more energy than worry.

Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes
        a wonderful stroke of luck.

Remember that the longer you carry a grudge,
        the heavier it gets.

Remember not to take things too seriously.

Remember to laugh.

Remember that a little love goes a long way.

Remember that a lot goes forever.

Remember that happiness is more often found in giving
        than getting.

Remember that life’s treasures are people, not things.

Remember that miracles can still happen.

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