...URGENT....Calling out again...in need of MASS prayer!!

Prayer warriors, I come to you once again in need of prayer for my friend, she had her leg amputated yesterday due to blood clots, and infection. She rallied last night and seemed to be doing much better, but as the day has progressed she has taken a turn for the worse and the doctors are wondering if she will be strong enough to pull out of this, there is infection running throughout her body and the clotting disease that she has is out of control. Please pray with me that our Father in Heaven will lay his hands upon her and wax her strong, that he will take the infection from her body and replace it with clean pure blood, that he will dissolve the blot clots and keep them from returning. We need all the prayer we can get for this lady. Father please hear our prayers and show to us a miracle. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.


Anonymous said...

Father I beg you to work your miracles and help this woman to heal. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Dawn said...

thank you so much for this prayer, we are holding faith for a miracle...