We are here for you if you are in need of prayer!!!

Submit your PRAYER REQUEST here....

we stand at the ready to pray with and for you!!! If you have need for special prayer, we welcome you!!!   Leave the request in the comment section.... 


Anonymous said...

I ask for comfort n strength for my Aunt n her children for they have just lost my uncle. N I pray for healing for a very inspirational friend who is fighting cancer, n a little boy doing the same. Prayers for a young lady in our celebrate recovery class that has turned her life around n is fighting get to get her child back from the system. Amen

Dawn said...

lifting in prayer all that you have asked for, asking our father in heaven to lay his hands upon each of these people filling them with what is needed to get them through the storms of life. Father God we ask you for mercy, favor and healing, emotionally, physically and spiritually, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

God is so good, as long as we hold fast to our faith he will do his part. Mass prayer produces miracles my friend, I will go straightway and post this on my blog as well so that many can pray.

Anonymous said...

a prayer please for a young friend having a double mastectomy tomorrow. Thanks, love you Dawn!

Dawn said...

thank you so much for the honor of praying for your young friend, I love you too sweet lady and know that you are always in my prayers. Father we come to you asking that you be the strength in this young woman, that you be her will and her promise that she will make it thought this and that she will live a long and healthy life. Father provide her with courage, with peace, calm and comfort as she battles and overcomes, bless her family and friends that they might know there are miracles in prayer and that many are lifting them. I ask your favor Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ. amen.