What love really is, I am shocked...I thought I had it all figured out!

Good evening and again Happy Valentine's day to you, I pray you have felt love and have given love today and that instead of waiting for this one day a year that you share this love each and every day.

In prayer this evening as I sat in silence, allowing the holy spirit to sit by my side and warm my soul, I thanked God for all of the beauty and the love around me, I thanked him for allowing me to have a very healthy and active unborn grandson rapidly growing in my daughter's tummy. I thanked him for the kind of love that Wayde gives to me on a daily basis, I thanked him for Wayde's two sons who make me smile on a daily basis and I thanked him for each of you for supporting me in my writings and showing me love on a daily basis. I asked God to continue to bless my sweet friend Star with strength she is gaining day by day and with us being able to see that she is pulling through the health problems and we have great hope of a complete healing.  I continue to pray for each of you that you might have peace, calm and comfort in your bodies and that you will continue to seek our Father in heaven for all things in your life, trusting that with him all things are possible. I prayed a special prayer for a sweet friend of mine caught up in a custody battle, may he hold fast to his faith and may the judge see what is best for his children and allow him peace in his heart. God I love you so very much and I pray each day that you will allow me to touch someone with your light! In the name of Jesus Christ I ask mercy, favor and blessings for all. Amen.

Wow, I love this bit of writing, read it slowly and let it sink into your heart...such truth!!!
 A Paraphrase of 1 Corinthians 13
If I talk a lot about God and the Bible and the Church, but I fail to ask about your needs and then help you, I’m simply making a lot of empty religious noise.
If I graduate from theological seminary and know all the answers to questions you’ll never even think of asking, and if I have all the degrees to prove it and if I say I believe in God with all my heart, and soul and strength, and claim to have incredible answers to my prayers to show it, but I fail to take the time to find out where you’re at and what makes you laugh and why you cry, I’m nothing.
If I sell an extra car and some of my books to raise money for some poor starving kids somewhere, and if I give my life for God’s service and burn out after pouring everything I have into the work, but do it all without ever once thinking about the people, the real hurting people-the moms and dads and sons and daughters and orphans and widows and the lonely and hurting-if I pour my life into the Kingdom but forget to make it relevant to those here on earth, my energy is wasted, and so is my life.
Here is what love is like–genuine love. God’s kind of love. It’s patient. It can wait. It helps others, even if they never find out who did it. Love doesn’t look for greener pastures or dream of how things could be better if I just got rid of all my current commitments. Love doesn’t boast. It doesn’t try to build itself up to be something it isn’t. Love doesn’t act in a loose, immoral way. It doesn’t seek to take, but it willingly gives. Love doesn’t lose its cool. It doesn’t turn on and off. Love doesn’t think about how bad the other person is, and certainly doesn’t think of how it could get back at someone. Love is grieved deeply (as God is) over the evil in this world, but it rejoices over truth.
Love comes and sits with you when you’re feeling down and finds out what is wrong. It empathizes with you and believes in you. Love knows you’ll come through just as God planned, and love sticks right beside you all the way. Love doesn’t give up, or quit, or diminish or go home. Love keeps on keeping on, even when everything goes wrong and the feelings leave and the other person doesn’t seem as special anymore. Love succeeds 100 percent of the time. That, my friend, is what real love is!


Lynn Lee Morales said...

Please pray for Brenda and Larry Manning they were in a terrible car accident and are in bad shape. Also, please pray for my friends Rauna Long going through Cancer treatments, and Stephanie Hunter she is going through some personal issues right now. Thank you so much! You are so wonderful to offer prayer for everyone. I pray for you daily, my friend.

Dawn said...

Our kind and loving Father, we come to you on bended knees, we humble ourselves before you and ask you to lay healing hands on both Brenda and Larry, Father if it be your will fill them with wellness, fill them with your strength and your will. Bless Rauna as she battles the cancer beast in her body, God we know that all things are possible, allow her fight to be enough to be the victor and bring her back to 100%, and we ask you to bless Stephanie with all that she is going through, Lord you know the pain in her heart and you know what is needed to bring her calm and comfort, bless her Almighty one with her needs and allow her faith to carry her through the darkest of nights to once again see you, our Lighthouse, shining brightly, please bless Lynn as she sees the need for prayer in her loved ones and is willing to seek additional prayer, we know that mass prayer produces miracles and we stand in the footsteps with faith in your promises. In the name of Christ I ask these mercies, favors and blessings. Amen