will you please join me in this prayer, it is so very important to me!!!

We have  been praying for a special friend of mine who has really been racked with health issues for the last bit, this sweet lady has suffered the loss of her unborn child and has been riddled with blood clots, she has been back in the hospital for the last few days and has been told today that they will have to take her leg in order to save her life. PLEASE, join me in asking our Father in heaven for mercy and for favor. Father we fall on our knees in prayer asking you to hold this dear daughter of yours in your loving arms, provide her with calm as she goes through this, allow her strength to overcome what may come her way and to see you as her lighthouse in this horrific storm, bless her fiance with peace, calm and comfort and take away his "what if" reach down and hold him, comfort him in his feeling guilty for the things that are happening, allow him to know this is of no doing of his own. Father bless the daughter of this lady by laying your hands upon her heart and taking the fear she has as her mother goes through all of this. Father hold them near to you, allow them to feel your love and your will, allow them to be comforted as only you can comfort, allow them to fall in to you and weep as you gently wipe their tears away, allow them to give their fears over to you, allow them to use your strength as their own. Bless the doctors Father with another look to ensure that this is the only way, if they have no other option, bless the surgeons with skill and precision, allow your knowledge to be theirs. I ask these favors and mercies in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

1 comment:

alan said...

Dear heavenly Father The healer of healers we ask you tonight to touch this lady with your will, we know all things are possible through you so I ask you to heal this lady without the loss of her leg, if it be your will. I pray for peace and comfort for her friends and loved ones both now and as the doctors make the decisions you lead them to. Lord I know you can heal with only a touch of your healing hand. Your miracles appear everyday. We thank you for your love and grace for I pray in the name of Jesus, Your Son and Our Savior.