Wow...Honor thy father and thy mother just took on a new meaning!!!

Happy Saturday evening my friends, I pray your day has been a blessed one. I so appreciate your prayer response to my call to prayer, after hearing the news of my friend losing her leg I have been very melancholy and humbled at how fast a life can change in just a matter of minutes. 

In prayer this evening I meditated for a great long time praying for peace and comfort for my friend and her family. I prayed for you and yours and I asked God to bless each of you with your needs. I thanked him abundantly for all that he does for me and mine and for allowing me each day to honor him. I pray that your evening is joy filled and that you have taken time to share your love with those who you feel it for. I ask you to continue to bless us Lord, to keep us safe and to fill us with your love and your strength. I love you with every beat of my heart. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Honor Your Parents

Once upon a time an old man had lost his wife and lived by himself. He had worked so hard as a tailor all his life, but misfortunes had left him in bankruptcy, and now he was so old that was unable to work.
His hands trembled so much that he could not thread a needle, and his vision had turn too cloudy to do a straight seam. He had three male children, but the three of them had grown up and had married, and were so busy with their own lives that only had time to get dinner with their father once a week.

The old man was weaker and weaker, and his children visited him less and less.
"They do not want to be with me now," he said to himself. "because they're afraid that I become a burden to them."

He passed a night without sleeping thinking what would be of him and finally he devised a plan. The next morning he went to see his friend the carpenter and asked him to fabricate a big coffer. Then he went to see his friend, the locksmith and asked him to give him an old bolt and lock. Finally he went to see his friend the glassmaker, and asked him for all the fragments of broken glass he had.

The old man took the coffer home and filled it to the brim with broken glass, he locked it up and put it underneath the kitchen table. When his children went to dine with him, they touched it with their feet.

"What is in that coffer?" they asked looking under the table.

"Oh, nothing," answered the old man, "only some little things I have saved."

His children pushed it and saw that it was too heavy. They kicked it and heard a clinking.

"It must be full with the gold he saved along his years ." they whispered.

They deliberated and understood they should guard the treasure. They decided to take turns to live with the old man, and thus they could take care of him too. The first week the younger son moved into the father's home, and took care and cooked for him. The following week he was replaced by the second son, and the next week came the oldest one. Thus they continued for a time.

Finally the old father got sick and died.

The sons made for him a nice funeral, because they knew that a fortune was awaiting under the kitchen's table, and they could afford a big expense with the old man. When the ceremony ended, they looked around the house until they found the key and opened the coffer. Of course, they found it full of broken glass.

"What a wicked trick! " exclaimed the oldest son. "What a cruelty towards his children!"

"But, what could he do? " asked sadly the second son. "Let's be frank. Were not for the coffer, we could have neglected him until the end of his days."

"I am ashamed of myself ." wept the younger son. "We forced our father to lower himself to deceitfulness, because we did not observe the commandment he taught us when we were little. But the oldest son tipped over the coffer to be sure that there were not any object of value hidden among the glass. He scattered the glass on the floor until he emptied the coffer."

The three brothers looked silently inside, where they read an inscription that the father had left for them at the bottom:

"Honor thy father and thy mother."

1 comment:

alan said...

Dear heavenly Father The healer of healers we ask you tonight to touch this lady with your will, we know all things are possible through you so I ask you to heal this lady without the loss of her leg, if it be your will. I pray for peace and comfort for her friends and loved ones both now and as the doctors make the decisions you lead them to. Lord I know you can heal with only a touch of your healing hand. Your miracles appear everyday. We thank you for your love and grace for I pray in the name of Jesus, Your Son and Our Savior.