For everyone who asks, receives, and one who seeks finds...

Top of the morning to you! We were blessed with a bit of cooler weather last night and were able to turn off the air and let the windows provide for us, I have yet to turn the air back on but according to the forecast for today I will be doing it shortly. I so love my life, I love being Mrs. Phillips and I love pampering my husband. I pray you are loving your life and that today you do not allow anyone to take your sparkle.

In my morning chat with God I ask if he would please direct my path today, I ask if he would take me to someone who is in need of spiritual uplift and if he would place in my heart the words that need to be said, I have faith that at some point today this opportunity will come along and I will have the blessing of doing his will. I continue to pray for those little ones who have suffered brain injuries knowing that they are in God's hands, knowing that he has a plan for them and knowing that no matter the outcome it will have been of him. I ask God to bless each of you with all things good today, to touch your heart so that you might see the needs of others and that you might move toward them with compassion and love in your hearts. I love you father and I give thanks for the daily living of my life moment by moment, the gifts and the challenges, the sweet and the silly transformed by times passage. I offer myself to the world Father as an instrument of peace, I will let every day and every endeavor be a prayer of thanks for my life. I ask blessings of peace, calm, comfort and abundant love for all in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

There is great power in prayer...

 When we feel weak and powerless, we call out for help. From that feeling, we can pray to move to a state of faith in a loving wisdom and creative force that is God. At that point, we are no longer crying alone in the wilderness, but are sheltered and led to live good lives—lives that are not ruled by selfish desires, but by the search for goodness and truth. 

This image of the cross has a deeper meaning. During the Crucifixion, according to the Gospels, Jesus first called out for help, “Oh God, why have you forsaken me?” His very human side was in pain and sadness. Then something happened. At the end, before his human body died, Jesus began to pray for his persecutors, saying “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” He then called out, “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit,” and with that his body died. No matter what religion we are born into or which, if any, we choose to follow, there is deep meaning in this transition— from a call for help to love for others, from helplessness to compassionate power. This new cross is not one of suffering; it is one of deep connection. When we join our hearts and minds with the wish to know and do the will of God, we are in prayer. Turning to prayer provides us with the means to change our lives and our worlds if we but open up to the possibility.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives, and one who seeks finds, and to one who knocks it will be opened (Luke 11: 9–10).

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