"How do you love so freely? How do you live so happily?

Good morning and happy Wednesday, it is a beautiful morning here in Utah, sun shining, birds singing and blue, blue skies! I pray your day is off to a good start and that you do not allow anyone or anything to steal your joy! Over the weekend I had opportunity to meet a sweet lady who in my eyes "has it going on" she is young, a wonderful wife and mother and a sweet spirit. In chatting with her I found out that she was donating a kidney to someone in need. I thought about that for a long time, wondering if I could be that giving...I think I could be have never been in that situation, so cannot really say yeah or nay. This young lady amazed me at how humble and nonchalant she was in speaking of what she was doing. I would ask that each of you join in with me in lifting her in prayer this morning that the surgery goes off without incident, that she is brought back to full strength soon and that all of her aspirations in life will be given her as she is literally saving the life of someone she does not even know. I ask God to bless the recipient that her body will receive this blessing and that the kidney will function without fail in its new body giving a life of health and happiness. Father God this ability to share vital organs is amazing to me, it is such a peace in my heart to know that due to unselfishness and in pure love for others that this gift will provide life for one who was hopeless and felt there would be none. I also have a very near and dear friend having surgery today and ask that you lift her in prayer asking God to bless the surgeons and that she heal completely with minimal pain and suffering. Bless them God with your love, your healing and your eternal mercy, in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen. 

I prayed for each of you this morning asking that God provide your needs today no matter how large or small, that you be able to feel his love and to know that when you were fashioned it was with a plan, a wonderful, beautiful plan. That you be blessed with peace in your hearts, calm in your minds and comfort in your bodies. I asked God to hold you in his lap and allow you rest today, that you might be rid of the wearies and look forward with nothing but faith and hope. I love each of you so much and know that if you will hold out your hands God will take them and never lead you wrong...believe and you shall receive...

You know me, always looking for touching stories...well today one touched my heart so strongly that I had to share it with you...many times people ask me..."how can you smile all of the time, how can you...no matter what is going on in your life stop and pray for others...how can you always be so sure that the way will be paved for all of us...how can you?????" I always just tell the, I am human, I get down, I get defeated but then I look around and there is always...ALWAYS someone worse off than I am and it becomes a reality check for me, yes we are down to nothing right now...but some people have been down to nothing for a lot longer and they are still making it...I look for the silver lining, sometimes the clouds are so thick that I swear I cannot find it, but just when I am ready to throw in the towel...boom, the cloud thins and I am able to see once again....I love the answer this little lady gave at the end of the story and I shall adopt this answer as my own, I do it because God loves me!!!!

Because God Loves You

There are stories that find their way into your heart and stay there forever. This is one that found its way into mine. There was once an elderly woman who lived in a violent, drug-ravaged, crumbling neighborhood in an old city. Her children had died before her. Time had left its mark on her too. She was no longer pretty in the eyes of the world. She had become wrinkled, stooped, thin and hollow-eyed. Her body was now half crippled with arthritis. 

Still, this little old lady continually brought joy to the community around her. Everyone called her "Granny" and she was a loving Grandmother to all. As she moved slowly down the street she would sing hymns and share smiles. She had a kind word for everyone. She gave her gentle laughter as a free gift to all. She offered encouragement, said prayers for, and brought hope to the disheartened. She went about doing good every chance she could. No one who met her left without their heart feeling lighter and their smile shining brighter. Her serenity and tranquility remained a mystery to the neighborhood, though. No one could figure out how someone who had lost and suffered so much could live so beautifully. 

One day a curious little girl ran up to the tiny old woman shuffling along with her walker and called out to her. "How do you do it Granny?", she asked. "How do you love so freely? How do you live so happily? How do you give so much to all of us everyday?" Granny just smiled at her and said, "Because God loves me child! Because He loves me, I love Him and you and everybody else!" 

What a glorious truth she shared. There is no better reason to live and love than that. That is why this story will forever have a home in my heart. May you too make your life a beautiful gift of love, just because "God Loves You!"

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