My heart cries today.....

Good morning to all and happy, happy, hump day! It is a beautiful morning here in Utah, the sunrise was amazing to watch, the wind is blowing pretty good and the sky is filled with fast moving clouds. It is already beginning to get warm out, 79 degrees with a forecast of 102 very thankful I do not have to be out in the heat. I pray your day is filled with much love and joy and for all of my Texas friends who have been fretting over the lack of rain....instead of fussing about the amount you have gotten...rejoice in it and get out there and dance!!! LOL

In prayer this morning I thanked God for the blessing of always protecting my Megan from harm and danger. I am sure she sees things in a different light these days having a baby of her own, I am sure she looks back on all of the crazy things she did in her youth and prays that Chalmers will not be one to do them. I thanked God for leading the police to the killer of the little 6 year old  found in a canal here in Utah so that the family can have closure and feel more at peace knowing he is now locked away so that he can never harm another. I lifted you and yours in prayer and asked God to wrap his cloak of protection around you this day, keeping you free from harm and danger, I prayed for all who are struggling with marriage problems, asking God to touch your heart and to provide peace and clear thoughts for you this day. I asked comfort for all who are in pain today, and as always I asked God to bless me with an opportunity to touch someone's heart, to bring them peace where the feel there is none and to bring inspiration where faith is weak. In the name of Jesus Christ I lift these prayers asking for mercy, grace, and favor for all. Amen.


 Yesterday here in Utah there was an announcement made regarding a little 6 year old girl found dead and in a canal, her little body had been abused, her virginity ripped from her before she was discarded where she drowned in that canal. I sat there after the broadcast and into the evening thinking of the pain and anguish her family is going through, thinking about the sadness that all who knew her must be feeling. I cannot even begin to imagine how a human being could do such a vile, sick thing to a baby, well to anyone for that matter. This little one was just beginning her life, she was just beginning to have a personality, to know right from wrong, to figure out what she liked and disliked..I am sure she had no idea that there could be such anger and sickness in what she viewed her safe little world. I can only pray that as this man took her from her home where she was safe, where she was protected, where she was so loved, that God blocked from her mind what was taking place with her. I can only pray that he opened the gates of heaven and blinded her from the pain her body was being dealt. I can only pray that she was oblivious to this vile, disgusting person and what he was doing. I sat here this morning praying for her family asking God to bless them with peace in their minds, calm in their hearts and comfort in their bodies as the man that injured their baby was locked away. I do not judge, I do not pretend to understand what would bring a person to do things like this to another, I do however hurt, my heart is broken for this family. I sat here and imagined if this had happend to my Megan if I could forgive, if I could really honestly forgive, as we are supposed to. I am sure over time the pain would lessen, I am sure over time my heart would soften and I am sure over time I would get through it, but COULD I FORGIVE. Father God I thank you so for keeping my Megan safe from harm as she was growing up and for keeping her pulled tightly in your loving arms each and every day. My heart is just so sad this morning...well since the day the child was found in the canal. I pray that not a single one of you ever has to feel this pain and suffering and I pray that the family of this little angel Sierra, will feel God's love and accept his comfort. I pray for this man's soul, that he might live the rest of his life thinking over and over in his mind what he has done, that the beast that resides within him will be laid to rest. I pray for his family, for the children that he has fathered and for his wife that they might have faith to crawl into God's lap and allow him to comfort them. I wrote a message on forgiveness and understanding a while back and I am forced to think of it again this morning. We will never understand the "why" we can only pray for the "how" to get through this. May God be with all who have been touched by this story and may he bless the hearts of all who feel the pain.

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