Reflection on where I have been and where I am now...I am so blessed!

Good morning and a happy Monday to all, it is nice here this morning, but looks like we might be hitting triple digits today, I am so very thankful that I have electricity and this little window unit to keep the heat away! I pray your day is an amazing one and that no matter what life throws at you today that you are ready to throw the bad back and catch and hold on to the good. Remember there is nothing you can't get through with the Power of God around you....May blessings be in abundance for you this day!

In prayer today I found myself sitting here for over an hour thinking about life, where I was, where I am now, the mountains, I have climbed, the valleys I have crossed, the unsettled waters that have threatened to pull me under, the highs, the lows, the lows, the lows....well I think you get my point, I had to reflect on passed relationships and on my relationship that I am in now..I had to think about the things I have done, the people I have hurt, the people that I have loved...I began as far back as I could remember and came all the way to the present. BOY what a life I have had. It is for the most part a good life, I have been loved by the best....,my beautiful daughter, and although we have had our highs and lows as well, she has always loved me and I her. I have had my share of making poor choices and doing stupid things which at the time seemed the only way of doing things...boy hindsight is pretty brutal sometimes. I have loved with great passion only to have my heart ripped out of my chest, stomped on, picked back up and thrown back in, only to love passionately again and again. I pray this time I have made right choices and that Wayde will be my happily ever after. I thank God for all of these things, it is our past that makes us who we are today, as I sit here typing I am pleased with who I am, I love with all of my heart, I cry when I hear stories that touch my heart, I give openly and freely what I have, I care more than I probably should and I look for the good in all. I live my life as best I can in pleasing God and in honoring the one who died for my sins. I speak to God often and I know that he hears my words. I continue to make mistakes but on a scale compared to how I used to make them I am so much better. I sometimes have to stop what I am doing and I have to go back to times that I am not so proud of to see that I have progressed in life, I might not have the "things" I once had, in fact I have very very little in life as far as material things go, I would not change it though, I have the most wonderful mate a person could ask for, he treats me with respect and regard, he not only listens to my thoughts and ideas but he honestly hears them as well. I no longer am a doormat, I no longer am a punching bag, I no longer am a second class citizen, in his world I am fantastic, I am an inspiration and I am love. Thank you Father God for bringing me to this place and showing me that all of those "things" are just that..."things" What I have now is real true life, what I have now is a blessing that I never imagined and what I have now is truth, is heart, is passion, is compassion, is strength and is wonderful. In the name of Jesus Christ I thank you, thank you, thank you. Amen.

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