None of us enjoys pain... none of us wants to go through sorrow

Hello to you, I pray this day is going well and that you are filled with much joy and laughter. I wish to give a shout out to my sweet friend Taylor wishing her the happiest birthday ever. It is a beautiful day today, the rain has moved on, I would have liked to have had more but am so thankful for what we did get. The temperatures have once again soared into the 90's just thankful we had one in the 70's yesterday. 

In my chat with God today I thanked him for you being in my life, it is amazing to have such support and such love from so many. Father God watch over all of my friends and family this day and provide for them their needs, bless them with you love, with your mercy and with your grace as they walk through the storms of life. Father bless them that they might feel your goodness and strive to be an example of all things good. Be with my sweet husband today and bless that he feel appreciated for all that the does in life. I ask you to be with a very special lady in my life who is going through such family trials, allow the judge to see what is happening in the lives of her family and make a way for each of them to have a different life. Father so much has happened and so much needs to be rectified, bless them with your guidance and with vision as to what is needed for healthy relationships and personal growth. I love you Father God and ask for mercy, grace, and an abundance for all today. In the name of Jesus Christ I lift these prayers. Amen.

Better People

Mother Teresa of Calcutta was often quoted as saying: "I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish He didn’t trust me so much." Over the years I have found myself often feeling the same way. I have had a blessed life, but it has never been an easy one. In my 45 years I have had to deal with sickness, injuries, accidents, and pain. I have had to deal with years of poverty and financial struggles. I have had to deal with my sons’ mental handicaps, the death of loved ones, and being separated from those I love. I have had to deal with anger, betrayal, confusion, depression and at times even despair. 

Like so many before me I have asked the question: Why do bad things happen to good people? It is a question that has been asked throughout the ages. Books have even been written about it. It is a question that will never be answered completely this side of Heaven. Yet, looking back on my own life now I have to believe that at least part of the reason bad things happen to good people is to make them better people. 

When I remember all that I have faced and gone through in this life, I realize that God has used all of it to eventually make me better. With pain came empathy. With grief came healing. With frustration came patience. With struggles came strength. With sorrow came joy. With depression came compassion. With anger came love. And with despair came trust in God. Every test, challenge, and tragedy eventually led me to greater goodness, greater love, and greater Oneness with our Heavenly Father. 

None of us likes the negative experiences in life. None of us enjoys pain. None of us wants to go through sorrow. Still, the truth is that "God causes all things to work together for good for those who love Him." May each day here then help you to grow better and more loving.

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