A very special prayer request concerning one of our soldiers...join me please!!!

Good morning and happy Saturday, I pray the weekend is off to a great start for you and that you make time for YOU and GOD today. Our weather is off to a hot start today, funny we were 97 on Wednesday, then went down to 67 on Thursday , 87 on Friday, and are forecast to hit 97 today...what a whirlwind of temp variance...just glad that I am alive to enjoy the bounty of blessings that come with it:)

In prayer this morning I sat in the silence of my home, watching as the birds played in the tree outside my window, they seemed to have no cares in the world and were filled with banter. The song they sang was such a gift to receive and I found myself mesmerized with the beauty of them. I sat and watched the sun come up over the mountain with so many beautiful colors seated around it, salmon, pale purple, blue, gold...it was amazing to sit and watch as the world awakened to a new and wonderful day. I thanked God for allowing me another wake up, for allowing me vision to see this beauty and hearing to witness the sounds. I thanked him for bringing me through yet another storm and told him I was ready for the next battle, having gained strength from him to know I can overcome whatever decides to try and knock me down. I asked for special blessings for a prayer request that was sent to me last evening, and I asked if he would touch your hearts as you read this to ensure that you will pray just as I am for them. 
"Dawn, could you please add this family to your prayers and prayer list? thank you!"

Savannah Hooker Stewart

Dear Friends,
Please pray for my cousin, Kylee, and her husband, Jeremy. He stepped on an IED today and so far they know he has lost half of one leg, fractured the other leg, fractured his hip, and suffered brain trauma. Pray that he does not suffer too much in the pain, that his wife is able to be with him soon, and for strength in the long road to recovery. And thank God there are soldiers out there every day protecting us, our families, and our homes! — with Kylee Frost.

Father God we come to you this morning in prayer for this soldier and his family, we read and hear about the goings on in this terrible war and each time we hear stories such as this our hearts are sickened that there has to be fighting amongst us. Father touch the heart of this man and allow him your strength and will to rise above his injuries and to be able to find inspiration from those who pray for him, those who stand beside him offering support and comfort, Father it is be your will heal this man completely and allow him the ability to overcome the wounds and be more hope and faith filled in doing so. Father bless his family with patience, with comfort, with peace, with endurance and with compassion as he goes through this difficult time in life. Father God be with all soldiers today, allow them a feeling in their hearts that what they are doing or have done was not in vane, let them see compassion from another to validate that the fight for us to keep our freedoms is justified in the goodness of others. In the name of Jesus Christ we ask for peace in our hearts, calm in our minds and comfort in our bodies, for your mercy, your favor and your grace always. Amen. 

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