Did He really say NO or did He just revise the answer???

Good morning and happy Friday to all, it is another gorgeous day here in Utah, the sun is shining a nice breeze is blowing and the temperature is forecast to be in the high 80's today. The skies are still a bit mucky from the mountain fires but with each passing day it gets better and better! I pray this day is off to a great start and that you and yours have some wonderful plans for family time and joy this weekend. 

I saw this little quote on facebook this morning and thought "wow" that packs a lot of punch..In life we will encounter so many negatives, we will fall to our knees many times begging God to get us out of the mess we are in, we will cry, we will become angry, we will rant and we will rave...when we do come through the trials we will give a quiet little thank you until we fall apart the next time....we will not acknowledge that we did overcome, we did make it through, we did become stronger....so many wonderful things come to us because "God said No" He is the wise one, why should we doubt him, we must listen to his still quiet voice and follow his lead because he is the only one who knows how our story ends...When he says NO it is not without a prayer being answered it is just not answered as we formulate in our minds....Don't get discouraged when you cannot see the answers...you are growing both in strength and spirit because of it....

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