Cling to Me, child. Cling to Me with everything you are.

good morning and happy Wednesday to each of you, I pray this day has started with a boom and that your day only gets better and better. This morning has been a beautiful one here in Utah, the temperature is 77 degrees, there is a mild breeze that is tickling the fancy of all the birds that are perched upon the branches enjoying the cool and the blessings of the morning. I sat out on my porch this morning and thanked God for the beautiful blessings of allowing me to wake up and see what he has in store for me today. I prayed fervently for all who are in need and asked God to supply special blessings for each of you that you might feel the Holy Spirit and that you might allow guidance and protection in every step you take. I asked special blessings for my self that I might see needs in others and be able to implement what is needed to take their burdens, to soften the blows and to give hope through faith that things will get better, that the storm is coming to an end and the lighthouse is the reason they are sailing smoothly into shore. I am holding my head up high and am going to do my dead level best to stay positive and filled with faith this day. I am taking one day at a time, baby steps, and will not be defeated...

After my blog yesterday a very sweet friend posted the following on my facebook page and after reading it several times and being "wowed" each time I did read it, I felt that I was to share this with each of you. I need say nothing more..I am so very blessed that HE is here for me, that HE loves me and that HE will never walk away from beginnings what a wonderful gift to be given....

Just read your latest blog post, and wanted to share this with you from a friend's blog:

“My daughter, yes there is a beginning. I begin in you. Seek me with all your heart. I will honor you with your obedience. Yes, listen. Listen now. Listen with all your life.

There are no secrets for what you need, what brings joy and satisfaction. I have planted these things in your heart. The treasure of Me is not a mystery, buried, to be dug up. I do not hide, daughters, My lovely ones. Don’t hide your eyes now. Lift your heads. Let Me begin again in you. For it is always a beginning, child.

I begin a dance with you that will leave you both breathless and satisfied. Your joy in Me cannot be contained. There is a beginning again, child. It is never too late to turn things around, with Me. I sustain you. I give you hope and a deep breath to breathe.

Don’t look within yourself for strength. It is the heart that beats for Me that I strengthen, that I increase in faith. Stop turning in circles, My girl. The world is not spinning too fast. You are okay. I hold you. I am your bearings. I am here — here for you to cling to. I am all you need. Cling to Me, child. Cling to Me with everything you are.

You don’t have to have it all together. You don’t have to have answers or look like everything is okay. But I am okay. And that is why you are, too. No other reason. When people tell you “it will all be okay”, that is true. It will be. Because I am okay.

I am steadfast, going everywhere and going no where, being just where you need Me to be. Because I love you. I love you. I am the One Who Loves You. I am the One Who Loves. There is a beginning here, with Me. Begin again, this day, My darling, My love. Breathe deeply now I am the beginning.”

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