I am tired of this storm!!! I am holding faithful that the lighthouse will lead me to safety....

Good morning and happy Wednesday, many of you have called upon me to see why I have not been blogging as fervently as I once did, some have asked if I am okay some have asked if I need prayer, some have realized that I am just tired...for all who have inquired I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have been doing a lot of reading, a lot of spiritual studying, a lot of praying, and a lot of soul searching, I have had to step back a bit and re-work my mental status. Depression is a horrible beast that can sneak up on us and really knock us down, I have been battling it for the last few months and must admit have become very tired of the day to day battle. I know that you might say I need to practice what I preach, I know you might say I am withering of faith, I know you might say that I am not being strong, not being positive, not being....I have to defend me...my faith is still full, I do not know what I would have done without God in my life the last few months, he has guided me and directed me, he had held my hand and my body, he has picked me up time and time again. I have had to rebuke satan over and over again as of late, he is trying his darndest to drag me down to his level and I keep refusing and refusing, I keep telling him to step away and to leave me alone, I keep clinging to God for his mercy and his provision. It just seems like the more we do the worse we become....my husband has been cut back to half of his hours, which does not pay the monthly bills, not even beginning with putting food on our table. I do not see why just getting by has to be so hard, we would be happy to just get by...I ask that all of you will pray for us, asking God to bless us with enough! That is all I want, enough to keep this little apartment over our heads, enough to keep electricity going and enough to feed us. Please life us in prayer that my disability gets straightened out, that Wayde's work hours pick up and that we finally can breath every month. I thank you so much for lifting us in prayer and love you all so very much for caring! God bless you.

Please know that even if I am not blogging each day I continue to pray for you, I continue to lift you and yours asking God to provide a way for each of you to get through your struggles. I am standing on my faith that all the yuck in our lives will pass and there will be only good things!

I am tired of getting down, I am tired of satan trying to rope me in and I am tired of the struggle, but I will not give in, I will not give up and I will not let go....

this story is what I needed today, we can make a difference, we can change the world one little deed at a time...

You Can Change The World

I changed the world today. It happened while I was driving home after going to the store with my son. I was just about to pull onto the side road that leads to my house when my handicapped son laughed in the back seat. I glanced in the rearview mirror to see his smiling face and then made the turn a little bit faster than normal. As soon as I did I saw a big dog walking down the road in my lane. Not having time to down shift I slammed on the brakes, screeched to a halt, and killed the engine in my car in the process. 

As I sat there waiting for my heart rate to return to normal, the yellow dog stared at me calmly. I recognized it immediately as a neighbor’s pet. I had often seen their little boy hugging and playing with the dog in their front yard. I rolled down my window and sternly told the pooch to go home. The huge dog looked at me for a second more then trotted away happily to its front porch while I restarted my car and thanked God for giving me a fast foot when I needed it. 

Now you may ask how stomping on my brakes changed the world. My answer is that one little boy will be hugging his dog instead of crying into his pillow tonight. You see, most of us look for some big thing we can do to change the world or our lives, but I think Heaven keeps track of all the little things we do in our lives. And it is those little things that do change this world day by day and moment by moment. 

You can change the world too. You can fill your life with acts of kindness and God’s love everyday. You may not be able to end world hunger, but you can donate 50 pounds of food and keep a family from starving this month. You may not be able to bring peace to the world, but you can bring your peaceful spirit to the world around you. You may not be able to drive the hate and darkness from every human heart, but you can forever share the love and light in yours.

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