I never will understand all the good that a simple smile can accomplish.

Good morning and happy Saturday to you, I pray you are having a great day and that at some point you will take time to listen to the still quiet voice of God, to see what the Holy Ghost is prompting you to do and that you will follow the signs to be where he needs you to be. Look around you today, is there someone who just needs a friend, is there someone who would love to hear your voice even if it is over the phone, is there someone you have been thinking about a lot who you still have not contacted....let today be the day you do this....you never know who's life you might save just by being kind...

In prayer this morning I lifted each of you to God, I asked him to look inside of you and see what your needs are, what you have been worrying about, what you fear, what you are anxious over and that he might provide for you a way to move passed it, that he might lay his loving presence upon you and allow you freedom for the negative, that he might put right in front of you a blessing so loud and clear that any doubts you have of his validity might be cast away. I asked God to open your hearts to those who are in need, those who long to have someone who cares. I asked God to lead and guide you so that the path you walk is a straight one. I asked God to lay a heart healing hand on my sweet friend who lost her mother, that she feel his love upon her and know that when she is weary she can lay in to him and that he will wrap his robes about her in comfort and peace. I continue to pray for the ones who are in abusive relationships that God might clear their minds this very day allowing them to see that the fog they are living in is not the way, that He will allow them to reach out to their loved ones for support and help today. I continue to pray for those who are suffering illness and disease asking God this day to give you strength and overcome and to give you freedom from pain. I asked God to continue to bless my kids as they make their move forward, asking that they be abundantly blessed in this new phase of their lives. I pray for all of the missionaries in the world might they be blessed with touching hearts and allowing people to know Jesus Christ. In the name of our Savior I ask these blessings, mercies, and graces. Amen. 

Words of Encouragement: Smile
By peace | May 4, 2012

Mother Teresa (Agnes Bojaxhiu: 1910-1997)

Words From Mother Teresa:
To smile at someone who is sad; to visit, even for a little while, someone who is lonely; to give someone shelter from the rain with our umbrella; to read something for someone who is blind: these and others can be small things, very small things, but they are appropriate to give our love of God concrete expression to the poor.
I never will understand all the good that a simple smile can accomplish.
When suffering comes into our lives, we should accept it with a smile. This is the greatest gift from God: to have the courage to accept everything he gives us and asks of us with a smile.
Sometimes it is harder for us to smile at those who lives with us, the immediate members of our families, than it is to smile at those who are not so close to us.
Let us never forget: love begins at home.
Once, some years ago, a group of teachers from the United States came through Calcutta. After visiting the Home for the Dying in Kalighat, they came to see me.
Before they left, one of them asked me if I would say something that they could keep as a remembrance of the visit and that would also be useful to them.
“Smile at one another Smile at your wives.” (I have the feeling that we are in such a hurry that we do not even have time to look at one another and smile.)
One of them said,”Mother, it is obvious that you are not married!”
“Yes I am,” I answered. “Sometimes it is very difficult for me to smile at Jesus because he asks too much of me.”

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