"Get up and stop your crying....

happy Sunday morning my friends, I pray this day is filled with much love and laughter for you and yours and that you do not forget to fill your spiritual tank so that you are ensured making it through another week. It is a beautiful day here in Utah....even though my van decided to die on me last night....it is old and has lots of miles...I am not going to go back into that horrible depression I have been living in for the last few weeks. I have seen with my own two eyes the amazing miracles God can do, I have stood witness to blessings, upon blessings, upon blessings, and I will not doubt, I will not fear and I will not give up!!!

In prayer this morning I sat and chatted with God about all of the wonderful things I see around me, I thanked him for always allowing me to see his handiwork, I acknowledged that I do not thank him enough for loving me and for having my back. I sat in the silence of my little apartment and thought of all the negative things that are going on in my life and then I thought about all of the positive....the positive wins hands down..I am loved by my husband, like I have never been loved before, I am loved by my daughter even though I have made mistake after mistake in raising her, I am loved by my friends even though many times I do not deserve to be. I am loved by my Father in Heave even though he has a multitude of reason not to. I am loved, loved, loved and there is nothing more than I could ask. Today I lift in prayer my friend and her family who will say "until we meet again" at her funeral, Father touch the hearts of this family and let them know that she is right there beside them and is so very pleased at the outpouring of love that is being displayed. Father bless them with peace, calm, and comfort this day and all of the days ahead and fill them with the knowledge that they will be together forever in heaven some day. I ask that you pray with me for all who are in need of comfort today, and I ask God to guide each of us where it is that he has need for us to be so that we can do work for him in appreciation for all that he does for us. In the name of Jesus Christ our Savior I ask for mercy, grace and a multitude of blessings for all. Amen..

I read a lot of wonderful messages from Bob Perks and this poem is just what I needed today....hope you enjoy and feel the love I am sending to you!!!

"Down in the valley of depression and despair
I had never seen the sunshine or breathed hope's fresh clean air.
Then one day God spoke to me and said "You are the one."
"I need for you to climb up there so you can see the sun."

I tried so hard to reach the top but fell along the way.
I sat along the pathway then I would hear God say:
"Get up and stop your crying. They need to know I care."
"Stand upon the mountain top. Tell them I sent you there."

I tried a little harder and scraped a knee or two
But then upon arrival my life began anew.
I saw the non believers who think their life is done
But I was on the mountain and still could see the sun.
The end?  No just the beginning!

"I Believe in YOU!"

"I wish you enough!"
~ Bob Perks ~

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