May we all be the miracle and help to bring a little more Heaven to Earth everyday.

Good evening  my sweet friends, I am at this very moment sitting out on my front porch with a nice chilly breeze blowing, the hint of fall is in the air and I am growing giddy with excitement. The colors are beginning to change in the mountains and I must admit I am antsy to take a scenic drive and marvel at God's amazing handiwork. I had a very long doctor's appointment and found that the problem I am having with my bladder is not a great one, he says my bladder is just worn out and not going to work correctly anymore, so I have joined the ranks of those who have to use a catheter 2 to 3 times a day to drain the excess. I sat in that office with tears rolling down my face, I am only 51 years old for pete's sake, my body is supposed to have an odd 30 to 40 years left in my way of thinking! Please lift me in prayer that this new phase of my life will only be a hitch in my giddy up and not get me down...I can do this...well with the help of Wayde I can do this, I wonder if he would change his mind about being my forever partner if he knew all that he would have to do to help me take care of myself...what a saint he is!!! May God shine his light brightly upon your face each and every day and might you realize that you are God's light and that your smile is beautiful and so well received. No matter what you are in to, no matter what is going on in your world, no matter if you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. There is light, it is God's light and he is reaching out for you, he is offering you his hand, he is giving you all of his love and he is promising you amazing blessings if you take ahold of him and let him lead your way. Smile, be happy, love with all of your heart, let go...and let GOD! Father God bless all of these readers, touch their hearts this very moment and allow them peace in their hearts, calm in their minds, comfort in their bodies and knowledge that with you there is always a way. In the name of Jesus Christ our savior special favor and blessings for all. Amen. 

I came across this story in my daily reading and would love to share and get your thoughts...OH and praise be to God my blog hit 28,000 plus views last evening. 

A Tiny Wave

Life is full of miracles. They come in all sizes too. Most people only notice the big miracles, but the tiny miracles surround us everyday. They are gentle reminders of how much God loves us and how much we can love too. 

I got one of these miracle reminders just the other day as I was driving my handicapped son to the sheltered workshop where he works part-time. The sky was full of gloomy, gray clouds, but they had not dampened my mood. I was singing along with the radio and indulging in a favorite past-time of mine: joy watching. I was keeping my eyes open for little things that would uplift my heart and nourish my soul. So far that day I had noticed patches of white Daises and Queen Anne’s Lace blooming along the side of the road, the first red Maple leaves of the year, and a smiling dog sitting on its front porch. 

The best sight of all, though, happened just as I rounded a curve. A young mother was waiting to cross the road. Her five year old daughter was by her side. In the mother’s arms was another daughter about two. As I got closer to the family the little toddler in her Mother’s arms saw us, smiled, lifted her tiny arm, and began to wave at us. My son and I both smiled and waved back at this little angel. Just then the gray clouds parted for the briefest instant and a beam of sunshine broke through to kiss that little girl with its light. 

That miracle moment stayed in my heart the rest of the morning. I felt God’s love flowing down from Heaven on that beam of sunlight. I saw His lesson for us all too in that girl’s tiny wave. May we all live as she does: joyously, lovingly, and enthusiastically. May we all share our own smiles, waves, and light with everyone we meet in this world. May we all be the miracle and help to bring a little more Heaven to Earth everyday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dawn I was told 4 years ago i would have to do a catherea
. Still today I have been Blessed I haven't had to start