good night my sweet friends, I did a prayer warrior call earlier and could not go to bed without posting it here on my blog. 

We have need for many prayers for a 6 year old who has been diagnosed with west nile virus, spinal meningitis and epv and has been life flighted for the second time and now is on a ventilator, we ask you Father God to wrap your loving arms around him and allow your tender mercy of healing to take place in his body. Allow him your strength Father and allow him to come through this and be 100%. Bless his family with much love, allow them your peace, your calm, and your comfort. I also have been called to prayer for a young woman 18 years of age who has just found that she is carrying twins, she has been listed as at risk, Father God be a shield of protection for these babies and allow them to grow and be healthy. Bless this young woman with happy spirit and positive attitude and knowledge that she and the babies will be fine. Father there are so many in need right now, so many struggling, so many living in fear. Know that if you are holding hands with God that no matter what you are dealing will make it through the storm. I must say today was another day of answered prayers for me, God sends me where he needs me to be and when I am obedient he answers my prayers. Thank you Father for loving me, for giving me "a way" and for always, always, always allowing me to be witness to your amazing blessings. 

I pray that your night be filled with peace filled dreams and that your tomorrow is filled with the Holy Spirit. Love to each of you!!!!

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