You ask...How Can I Be Content??? Well Let Me Tell You!!!

How can I feel such contentment even when my world is in a whirlwind? How can I be so happy when I have nothing? How can I continue to be faith filled when everything continues to fall apart? WELL...let me tell you, I know that God has a plan for me, I know that brighter days are just around the bend, I know that God loves me enough to have sacrificed his son for me, and I know that paradise is only a hope and prayer away. How could I not be content. I have a man that treats me like a queen, not with material things not with "stuff" but with real true kindness, with prayer, with healing hands and with unconditional love. I know that no matter what storm threatens to blow me down that his hands are on my arms holding me steady, I know that no matter what we may be faced with that with him by my side I can stand strong and continue to take one step at a time forward. I have a daughter who is the light of my life, she is always there for me, she lifts me with her wit and lightens my load with her smile. I have a grandson who is hope for a brighter future, who is so pure and eligible to learn truth about the gospel and not be clouded with the ills in our world as it is right now. He is my hope and my heart..How can I be so happy, I know that God loves me when no one else does. I know that even in the darkest of moments that he is standing as a lighthouse shining for me to see and for me to keep paddling to shore. I know that bad things won't last forever, I know that there is a rainbow at the end of every storm and I know that even though the clouds may be darkening the sky that there is blue up above and that soon it will come shining through. How can I continue to be faith filled, HOW CAN I NOT? God has never let me down...YES he has directed me differently than I was going, he has stopped me in my tracks and made me analyze what is important and what is not, he has stood by my side when I have lost everything that I ever owned and he has held me when I had no strength or will to carry on, he has whispered love to me in the rush of the breeze, he has nodded approval at me in the sway of the trees, he has pardoned me time and time again when the choices I made were not good ones, he has loved, loved, loved me every step of my life even when I did not love myself. I may not have a pot to "pee-pee" in at the moment but it is "at the moment" I don't know what tomorrow holds for us...but then does anyone really know? I don't know much but I do know that as long as I cling to God and have faith that he will not let me fall.....I will be okay. I give it all to Him knowing that he will carry me through when my feet refuse to carry me.

Please pray with me for a sweet friend who is going through such darkness right now, who cannot see a way out and who is calling upon all of us for fervent prayer. She is in need of housing and in need of much assistance with her children. God I lift my arms toward the heavens and ask that you see her need and comfort her with guidance. Lead her to a place where people will be filled with compassion and who will see her need and assit accordingly. Please continue to pray for all who are dealing with broken hearts over the loss of a loved one, Father pull each of them into your chest and let them feel your very heart beat, allow them the cry for their loss but also to be filled with knowledge that this is a very short separation and when they are called, those loved ones who are already in paradise will be at the gate to welcome them home. Please pray for the little one who is growing stronger each day that he will be healed completely and for the young lady pregnant with twins who is deemed "high risk" Father lay your hands upon her tummy making these babies strong and healthy...I ask for love, for peace, for calm, and for comfort to each one reading this blog today, I ask that  you still their minds that the problems they are being faced with will be settled by your hands. Father I love these people that come and pray with me in times of need, I love these people that lift me in prayer and who stand by me at my times of need, and I love these people with my prayers and my faith that their walks will get easier. In the name of Jesus Christ I ask for peace, calm, comfort, knowledge and hope for all. Amen.

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