What do YOU see?

When I look into the mirror, I see a 51 year old woman, gray in her hair, and fat all over her body...not the picture I imagined I would be seeing some 30 years ago. I see "tired" I see "sick" and I see "abused" Yes I have done the abuse to myself by not staying on top of my weight I have allowed it to take over, I have not taken very good care of the outside! I see many years of hard work, I see many years of thinking I was wonder woman that has broken me down to not even being super girl. I see hard times, I see many tears, I see much laughter, I see moments in time that could only have come straight from God's will. I see the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful...The part I like most is looking passed the outside and looking at the inside. I see a person so full of love that it has gotten her into trouble yet still she continues to love without condition. I see a heart that is forgiving, that is a cheerleader, that is a mentor, that is empathetic, that is caring and kind. I see a person who will stop no matter what she is doing when one is in need, I see a person who aches for her friends and family to "make it" I see a person who literally feels pain when a loved one hurts and I see a person who is always willing to jump in to the fire to pull a lost soul out. I love who I see, I love me. It has taken me the majority of my life to be able to look passed the outside, to quit worrying that my hair is not cooperating with me. It has taken me a long time to look passed the fact that my clothes are not as up to date and trendy as others. It has taken me a long time to realize that I have passed the point of no return in allowing my skin to stretch way passed the limits of elasticity and no matter how much weight I lose there will never be a toned, flat body to show off. It has taken me a long time to realize that it is what is inside that matters to God, it is who you are....not what your wear that God looks at. He could care less about fashion, or hair styles, or anything. He cares about what you carry inside...I am so pleased to look in the mirror before I go to bed each day knowing that I have done my best to please him during the day. I thank him for the chance and I always pray that I get another day to get up and do it again. I pray that when you look in the mirror that you have overcome the need to be picture perfect on the outside and that you love what you see on the inside...If there is something askew there, why not begin today looking at the inside, seeing what you are in need of and executing that need. You are the only one who can shape and shine the inside...not amount of plastic surgeons, P90X, zumba, spas, beauty shops, barber shops, and fashion designers can help you there. When the judgement day comes and God calls your name will you stand there naked before him wondering if he will like what he sees on the inside? I pray that today you make it the first day of the rest of your life and that when you go to bed tonight that you can lay down with satisfaction that you have done all you could to please your Father in heaven. I love you all and pray for peace, calm, comfort and knowledge in your life. God bless you...


NancyB said...

Thank you Dawn! There are many of us who needed to hear this!

Anonymous said...

Love you my Special niece.