PLEASE, realize, life is short and we are not promised tomorrow!!!

I had the joy of growing up in a home with 6 siblings, two brothers and 4 was hectic much of the time, especially bathroom time... being that we only had 1 bathroom to facilitate 7 kids and both parents....I think back to all of the laughter, the love, the arguments and yes sometimes the matter what the disagreement I still have such fond memories. Each of my siblings holds such a special place in my heart, my oldest sister always being the strong one that had an ever watchful eye on each of us. My older brother who was "cool" and of course all of the girls at school wanted to be my best friend so that they could be around him...LOL. My sister just 3 years younger than myself, being my best friend, my confidant, my sister 6 years younger than me, always having such a sweet spirit and such a tender heart, my brother 9 years younger than  me, stole my heart when he was born and then my sister 10 years my junior, oh my how I love her, she was the funniest little person I had ever know, she was spunky, she was opinionated, she was very much her own this day all of this holds true, she is a strong and very "go get em" kind of lady. I love so much each of my brothers and sisters and do not know how it would be to be without one of them. I live far away and do not get to see them nearly as often as I would like, I sometimes am so homesick for them that I consider just packing what I can and some how finding a way to go home. Today a friend lost her brother, and my heart is so heavy for her, as I said I do not know how I would handle knowing one of my siblings were no longer here. 

In prayer this morning after reading the news of this man's passing on facebook, I sat for a very long time with my Father in heaven, asking him to hold this friend of mine in his loving arms, asking him to calm her tears, to comfort her heart and to place peace in her mind. As I sat there reflecting on my own life and my own brothers and sister I began to cry, the more I reminisced the harder I cried. I asked God to afford a way for me to see my family more often. I asked God to allow each of us, you and you and you as well, to lay down your swords of anger, to let the little stuff go, to love with all of your hearts and to never neglect an opportunity to say I love you to the ones you love. Life is very short, we are not promised take time this day to confess your love!!! 

To my sweet friend Carol, words cannot express to you the sadness in my heart, the one thing that  brings me peace in life is the promise that we will all be together forever one day. Alan is gone only in body the same as your dad and many who have been in your life and who have taken their journey to paradise. On the day that Father God calls you home all of them will be eagerly waiting at the gate to welcome you in, to cover you in love and to show you the beautiful place they have prepared for you. When you see a butterfly in the meadow, when you see the rainbow at the end of the storm, when you hear the birds singing beautiful songs and when you are sharing quiet time with our Lord...know that they are around you, your angels who now reside in heaven are ever watching over you and yours! Remember this is not good bye only until we meet again. God bless you and know you are loved by so many.

Lord, as we mourn the sudden death of Alan, show us the immense power of Your goodness and strengthen our belief that he has entered into Your Presence. Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So wonderfully said