I just wanted to hear your voice.....

it is a beautiful day here in Utah, I have my windows open and with the exception of an occasional fly flitting in my ear, I am totally at peace this morning. The sky is a glorious shade of blue and the breeze has a fall chill in it~~~how amazing!!!

In prayer this morning I sat for a long time rapt in the loving arms of my Father in heaven. I had a great cry, one that is soul cleansing and then asked God to once again take my woes and handle them for me. I got my decision from social security disability and was ruled not eligible for assistance.. I don't know what type of job I can have that will allow me to lay down and rest my hips and back for about an hour every other hour or so? I guess I will try again as everyone says to continue in my quest until they DO approve me~~however long that will take. Thank God that the state has different guidelines and that they have made medical assistance available for me. Please do keep praying that social security will one day approve me as well. 

It was a lovely weekend other than the social security thing that I got in the mail. Prayers in my life in other aspects were answered in a huge way and if I did not have faith or believe beforehand, boy do I now....

I came across this little read and felt the emotion in it personally. When my Megan decided to move away from me for the second time in her life I was distraught, it weighed so heavy on my mind and I had to do a lot of praying to get through it. God let me know that this was what she needed to do and that he had great and beautiful things in line for her and true to his word my girl has been blessed with the most wonderful of partners and now she is the mommy to my most precious first grandchild, Chalmers....I just pray that she never forgets how important her phone calls are to me and that she never forgets how important she is to our Father in heaven....I pray every day that each of you know how important you are in this world and to our Father in heaven, and I pray that you will "let him hear your voice" today!!!

'I Just Wanted to Hear Your Voice'

September 1, 2012

By Ruth Bell Graham

Any mother with a child away from home knows the longing to receive a letter, a call, even a card.

Once when out of the country, I called home to check on Mother and Daddy. After talking with Daddy for a few minutes, he said, “Here—your mother wants to say something.” Because Mother’s speech had been affected by a stroke, I wondered how she would do. She came on the line, her voice weak, her spirit indomitable. “I just wanted to hear your voice,” she said.

I know how it is with me when the children are away. Just the sound of their voices warms and comforts me.

I wonder if God does not long at times just to hear our voices. In prayer we are coming to almighty God, the Creator of the universe, the King of kings and Lord of lords. But He is also our Father. He longs to hear from us—not only when we are asking for things, but also to tell Him we love Him and to talk over the happenings of the day, just to fellowship with our Father, who loves us. 

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