May each of you find comfort in the arms of the angels...

Good morning and a happy Thursday to all. It is very windy here in Utah this morning and the little tree outside my window is finally beginning to become barren, I will be glad when the leaves are all on the ground so I can sweet my porch and know that leaves will not be tracked in to my house...grrr the day to day vacuuming is really getting to me. I pray your day is filled with grins and giggles and that sunshine and lollipops are with you where ever you are. 

I come this morning with a very heavy heart but with so much thanks to God for allowing me to pray. Last night, late last night, I could not understand why we had not gone to bed...I was sitting getting ready to call it a night close to midnight...unheard of for me to be awake at that time....when I got a message on facebook, it was the saddest message I have received in a very long time, it was from a very sweet lady who God has allowed me to get to know over facebook and she was literally in the pit of dispair, her 12 year old granddaughter had taken her own life by hanging herself and my friend was calling upon me for prayer. At that very moment I thanked our Father in heaven that I was awake to take the urgent need and get on my knees. I prayed with her and felt her heart calm by the time we were through. I then went to facebook and updated my status asking for anyone who was still awake to please pray with us...this morning my page is over flowing with heartfelt prayers, I am so very humbled at the great response and to know we have the freedom to call upon one another to ask for prayer and it is given. 

When facing the loss of loved ones, prayer is sometimes the only thing that holds any type of comfort. Sometimes we ourselves lose someone close to us, and at other times we just need to pray for the someone else's loss. Emotions like anger, disappointment, and sadness can easily move us away from God. It is easy for those dealing with grief to fall into so much anger they walk away from the Lord. Blaming God for bad things can go well beyond emotions associated with loss into a permanent distancing from our faith.

While grief may always remain with us to some degree, prayers can help us move past the deep sense of anger and sadness into acceptance and living. Prayer always helps us grow with God, and when we are grieving or watching others grieve, prayers for grief and loss can be immensely helpful. Sometimes it is the only thing we can do for someone.

Join me if you will in this prayer and stand in faith with me that it will touch the family and friends of this sweet child and provide for them some relief this day.

Lord, thank you for being my rock and my strength. I don't know why this happened. I know YOU have a plan for each of us. But right now this family is hurting, and that hurt runs deep. Lord, I know that YOU are a comfort for them, and I pray that YOU continue to be by their  side through this time. It feels right now like this hurt will never go away. It feels right now like they will never come out of this pain. Everyone keeps saying that time will ease what they are going through. If they feel angry, if they feel hurt, if they feel alone, please blanket them with your unconditional love and provide for them peace, calm, and comfort. I don't know if time will help them, but I know YOU will. I cannot imagine going through this without YOU holding me up.

Sometimes, Lord, it's just hard to look at tomorrow, and I just don't know how they will get through the day without their loved one in their  lives. Lord, I just ask for YOU to be here for them. I pray for YOU to give them strength to take another step. Please Father help them cope with the loneliness and to move forward in their own time. Please, Lord, help make each day a little easier. Continue to provide them with hope for tomorrow. They will never stop missing this sweet young girl, but I know that you are holding them closely. 

Lord, I come to YOU now for my friend. I come to YOU to ask that YOU provide them strength and comfort in this time of deep need. Their hurt and grief run so deep. I feel so much pain for them, but I can only imagine how hard this time must be for them. I pray that YOU help them maintain their faith in YOU during this difficult time.

I know YOU are our greatest shoulder, but I also ask that YOU remain their biggest provider. It is a time when daily life can be so burdensome. Please provide patience from others as they work through their grief. Surround them with understanding so that they can work through all the emotions this loss brought up. In this time when so many things get lost - bills need to be paid, homework needs to be done, etc. - allow those around them to help keep regular life on track.

And Lord, allow me to be a comfort to my friend. Help me be what they need during this time. Provide me with the comforting words, the kindness in my heart, the patience to allow the grief to take it's course. Let me be part of your light and comfort during this time. Might each of them find comfort in the arms of the angels. 

I pray these things in the holy name of Jesus Christ Amen.

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