OKAY.....Enough is ENOUGH...lets be positive and move forward!!!!!

Good morning and happy Wednesday....do you ever say it as it sounds when you are writing it? WED~~NES~~DAY...lol, you would think by age 51 you would still not need to sound it out like that...oh well such is life! LOL

With the election being over and us acknowledging that Presiden Obama will be our president for the next 4 years we need now to kneel down and pray for our country, for the strength of our leaders and for truth and honesty to be a key element. We need to ask our Father in heaven to lay his hand heavily on the shoulders of those who are in charge so that they know who that HE is the boss. We need to ask God to wrap a shield of protection around our country to protect us from those who would do us harm and we need to have faith that this is not the end of America but the beginning...if you buy trouble it will come to live with you, if you go into a situation with your eyes open asking what can I do to help....then you can make a difference. We need to be supportive and to stop being so strong and narrow minded. I have gone through life thinking my was was the right way, that people should listen to me because I knew what was best, believe me it was a bitter pill to swallow when I finally had to swallow it. I do not know best, you do not know best...GOD knows best, he has made promised to us, he has told us that he will never leave or forsake us, he has been right there for us all of our lives and still we doubt, still we don't believe, still we use words that are not pleasing, still we continue each and every day to test him....boy I think he should be tired of being tested each day. 

I have been reading, reading, reading all day the yea's and nay's of the outcome and have come across two writing that touched my heart in a big way...PEOPLE we have got to get over our pride and take heed...GOD is sending out messages to each and every one of us as to what we need to do to bring this country back to its feet....share in these two writings and see if they don't open your eyes and give you a new outlook!!!

You know what really makes me angry? No matter the outcome of the election, we as Americans really should work together to make our country better. Instead, we sit here bashing each other, even to the point of losing friends over it. So why can't everyone just suck it up, let each other have their own opinions, be thankful we do have differences of opinions (that's what makes the world go round) and build this country up instead of tear it apart? Last night we put a voting sticker on Hudson, trained him to yell a certain candidate's name when we asked who he voted for, and got out the phone to take a video. We were going to send this to certain people as a joke, but when we turned on the video and asked him who he voted for, he said "I voted for Heavenly Father." We laughed, but I wish we would all vote for Heavenly Father. He is the only one who knows what he is doing!

this little boy is just that ~~a little boy~~ he has no prejudice, he has not negative, he has only good in his heart and he knows the truth...GOD spoke through him and really woke me up.....WE HAVE GOT TO PUT GOD BACK INTO THE EQUATION...WE HAVE GOT TO ACKNOWLEDGE HIM AND ALLOW HIM TO LEAD US!!!!

Here's my spin on politics! Election 2012 is over! If both sides would turn all negativity into positive, real solutions, we could absolutely turn this country around. It is time to stop this ridiculous fiasco and make things happen for this amazing and powerful nation. There is so much creativity and insight in all of us individually and collectively as a united community, and we as productive American citizens need to contribute our ideas and solutions to our politicians who have recently become stagnant and unproductive. Instead of the "He said, they said" mentality, let's harness our positive and workable solutions to move this country forward. Why think "if only" or "what could have been"? I am not a Pollyanna by any means because I am a die-hard realist who has hope and faith in our leaders and nation. No one person or party has gotten us into this state. . .really! If politics isn't your cup of tea, then work diligently and relentlessly to conserve and preserve our environment for future generations. Or, lend a helping hand to those less fortunate on your block, down the street or around the corner of your very own community. Maybe your mission is to be a leader in your church where you can let your light shine for all to see as you lead them to know the Lord Jesus Christ. Share a smile and a pat on the back for the elderly, handicapped and mentally challenged. Help a veteran who has defended this land! Dedicate yourself to the spirit of volunteerism! May each of us be intelligent and compassionate individuals who model how to be a productive citizen in pursuit of happiness and a better tomorrow. Then, if we would humble ourselves before the Lord through prayer, change will come, and He will heal our land. He instructs us to pray for all of those in authority, and that includes our national, state and local leaders. Pray for those who fight and serve to keep our nation free! God is still sitting high and lifted up on the throne of grace and mercy, and He is the King of all heaven and earth! We don't have to agree with the leaders or each other, but we can certainly do more to reach across the aisles to help mankind. Sena's soapbox is officially closed because I intend to make each day the best that I have ever had, and I plan to live it as if there will be no others. . .no whining, complaining, frustration or negativity! As a man or woman speaketh, so is he or she, and I want to be a positive influence to all that bless me in my earthly journey! Now, that's my philosophy, and I am sticking to it!

amen and amen again, we have to go back to the "golden rule" we have to take a few steps back and realize that we can make a difference, the difference begins with you and your actions...Go into your neighborhood, your community, your county and begin there....one foot in front of the other and we CAN make a difference......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Had to share - this puts it into perspective so beautifully!