What are you "feeding" your children????

Good morning and happy Sunday, I pray you are getting that "tank" filled today so that you have enough "gas" to get you through another week! I love how good it feels to fill up on the spirit, how wonderful it feels to renew time and again the love we have for our Father in Heaven, for Jesus Christ our savior and the Holy Ghost. Without them where would we be? Without them in our hearts what kind of heart would we have....Always remember you reap what you sow....what type of harvest will you be gathering today? 

This morning I have a very important topic I would like to share. As many of you know Wayde and I have struggled financially for the entire duration of our relationship. Many of you know that this struggle is only bearable to me because of the character, spirit,  and the strength that Wayde possesses. We have such a love that no matter how much we struggle there is still joy and laughter in our life! We live in a very seedy set of apartments, the only ones we can afford and some months we fear that we will not even be able to afford this one. In this complex you do not really even know your neighbors, everyone pretty much stays to themselves I think from fear that if anyone knows what possessions you have in your apartment that they will be stolen when you are not home. In the building next to ours there is a young woman and her small son, I would guess he is maybe 3 or 4 years old. If you know me you know that I adore children and have become MiMi, grandma Dawn, or whatever to most all I know. This little boy is seen only when his mom is whisking him from the car into the house or vice versa. I have smiled at him and waved many times but never to have anything in return, I have always thought this whisk him away procedure is because of where we live, never did I think it was because the lady felt me a threat or something lesser of a person because I wear the same clothes all of the time. REALLY!!!! This morning as I was sitting on my porch he came out with his mom and as they were making there way to the car I heard him say..."look mommy, there is the lady that always wears the same clothes" his mom just kept on walking and got him secured in the car and off she went. I am very luck to have the clothes that I have and thanks to a very sweet and special lady in my life, one who I have never met except for exchanging prayers and words of encouragement on facebook, I have two really pretty outfits and a very nice warm coat. I know that these words do not come from a 3 or 4 year old as they do not judge or pass judgement especially over what others wear! People please watch what you say in front of your children! Children are molded by us, prejudices come from our mouths, go into our children's ears and then become learned mindsets. I remember a long time ago I was teaching a 12 year old class of girls in church, one day they were be extremely loud and rowdy and I asked them to settle down so we could have our lesson, one little girl looked at me and said, we don't have to listen to you...you are motel trash! It was true I did live in a motel, I managed it and was the housekeeper, it provided for Megan and I quiet nicely as I got to live there without rent and to make a paycheck on top of it for our necessities. Do you think that a 12 year old really knows what motel trash is? Heck I am 51 and don't understand the phrase!!! We are a product of our parents, we learn from them their mindset and then we go out into the world representing them. GOD wishes for us to share HIM with all that we know, I don't think GOD cares if I wear the same clothes all of the time, I do not think that GOD cared if I worked in a motel what I do know that GOD cares about it what we are teaching our children, are we teaching them unconditional love, are we teaching them to be Christ like, are we teaching them to treat others they way they wish to be treated or are we filling them with hurtful, ugly, prejudice??? If you must pass judgement, if you have ugly things to say about others at least say them where your kids don't have to hear it, give them a chance in life to decide what is right and wrong! God gave us our children to raise and love in his name, are we doing all that we can do to honor HIM? 

I ask you to pray with me this PARENT'S PRAYER...it is a long one but it is so worth praying! Our babies are worthy of having good parents. 

Oh, God, my Father in Heaven, please make me a better parent. Help me to understand my children, to listen patiently to what they have to say, and to respond to their questions kindly. Help me to look not only to my interests, but also to theirs. Help me to see in them the gifts that you have placed, to nurture those gifts and add to them skills and experience. Keep me from interrupting them, talking back to them, and contradicting them. Let their words be precious to my ears. Make me as courteous to them as I would have them be to me. Prevent me from uttering words that are careless and do not lift them up. Fill my mouth with sound instruction and encouragement.

May I grant them all of their wishes that are reasonable and have the courage and strength to always withhold a privilege or gift which I know will do them harm – no matter what anyone else thinks. Let me test all things against the laws of Your Word. Let me give light to your Word in every circumstance, talking about it all the day long so that their entire world-view is wrapped up in your promises and truth. Let me base my decisions in love and be consistent in my parenting according to your precepts. Let them see me give you first place in my life and let them see me faithfully devote myself to the study of your Word and prayer.

Reduce, I pray, the meanness in me. May I cease to nag; and when I am out of sorts, help me, O Lord, to hold my tongue. Blind me to the little errors of my children and help me to see the good things they do. Give me a ready word for honest praise. Let me fall in love with them every day all over again. Help me appreciate the giggles and wiggles that you have placed in them instead of seeing them as an annoyance. Oh, that I could find joy in their laughter and not be so serious and distracted by the anxieties of life that I miss the short time I have to play with them and pick them up. Let me hold and kiss them each day.

Help me to treat my children as those of their own age. Let me not expect from them the restraint and judgment of an adult. Allow me not to rob them of the opportunity to wait upon themselves, to think for themselves, to discover for themselves, and to make their own decisions whenever possible. Help me to foster an environment of learning and a full knowledge of your Word. Lead me on straight paths in choosing what I teach to my children and help me be a thorough educator, never forsaking the building of their relationship with you or the character you desire in them for academics only.

Forgive my children any sins they commit – bring them to the surface so they may be dealt with early on. Forbid that I should ever punish them for my selfish satisfaction or out of anger. Give me the courage to confess my sins against my children and ask them for forgiveness when I know I have done wrong. May I not vainly hurt the feelings of my children. Forbid that I should laugh at their mistakes, or resort to shame and ridicule as punishment. Let me not tempt my children to lie or steal. Guide me hour by hour that I may demonstrate by all I say and do that honesty produces happiness. Let me be used by You to guide them into Your arms by my life.

Make me so fair and just, so considerate, companionable, and gentle – that they will have a genuine esteem for me. Fit me to be loved and imitated by my children as a Proverbs 31 woman. Let your Son shine in my heart as a beacon for them. Bless them and the future mates they will marry, protect them from physical harm and the spiritual wickedness that seeks to devour them in this world. Keep their minds, souls, hearts and bodies pure before you. Give them a heart that seeks to obey and please You. Let them desire to know You. Let their earthly father and I be the example of love and loyalty that they need to feel secure and know what to seek out in a relationship when they are grown. Oh, Father, give me the calm, poise, grace, wisdom and self-control that I need to ensure that they see You in my life.

Help me to display order, good stewardship, responsibility and patience in such a way that it will become part of who they are as well. May I bless you in honor for your trust in me to raise them. Let them grow to be oaks of righteousness – plantings of the Lord for the display of your splendor. Let goodness and mercy follow them through their whole lives. May they be bound to You forever, Amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this went along with our service today Thank you jesus