A whole lot of praying going on........

It is the wee hours of the morning and I have been awake for the most part of the last 3 days due to a horrible cough that does not like me laying down...I have tried every position known to man to be able to find comfort and sleep but there just does not seem to be one, the only time I am not coughing is when I am sitting upright in my wheel chair....so I decided to make the best of this bad situation and spend some extra one on one time with our Father in heaven. 

As I sat looking out at the snow falling, seeing that we have accumulated another 2 or 3 inches on top of the already 2 foot that we have, I find myself thanking God for allowing us a place to live that is warm and keeps us out of the elements. I am so thankful for the comfort within these walls and praise his holy name each day for this blessing. I hate for Wayde to have to drive to Salt Lake in the mess but know that God will be providing his shield of protection to ensure safety. I sat for a very long time thinking about my grandson in Kansas! One of my friends lost her grandson yesterday only 10 days older than my own, I tired to imagine how I would feel if it were I going through this tragedy instead of my friend. I found myself in tears, I mean "roll down your face and drip on your chest tears". I cannot even begin to imagine the heartbreak that this family is having to endure. I cried for a very long time asking God to wrap his love around them, to pull them gently into his lap and allow them the knowledge that he is holding Colton too! I sat and prayed for all who are suffering illness and disease, so many are battling the beast, cancer, so many are scared, feel alone, and feel hopeless. I asked God to fill them with hope and with fervor to raise fists against their sickness and fight for the win. I prayed for my cousin who is in stage 4 cancer and is struggling so with his anger over it, he is so angry that he cannot relax, he cannot rest, his pain is so intense and the anger only adds to the severity of it, I prayed "Oh God, give him comfort, ease his pain and soften his heart, he is not lashing out at you in anger he is lashing out in frustration and fear" I prayed for all who are fighting the all might dollar, or the lack of, I should say, so many of us have to "rob Peter, to pay Paul" as of late, there seems to never be enough of the green to pay all of the bills, the grocery list has become much lighter due to the expenses being so hefty. So many are having to decide upon meds or food, so many are losing their possessions, so many have had to take pay cuts just to have some pay coming in. I ask God this morning to see our needs, to make a way for each of us the have "enough" to hear our cries and to show us a way of making it on what we have. So many are struggling with relationship problems, they have found themselves being beaten down, physically, emotionally, and spirtually...I ask God..."please help them to open their eyes, lead them to the bible for lesson on how love is supposed to be, let them see that they are sustaining damage that will scar them forever, give them strength Lord to know what they need to do and to be able to make the correct decisions knowing that you will be holding their hands the entire way. For my sweet friends who have struggles with their children, I ask God to supply them with an uber amount of patience and understanding, to calm the children that are dealing with their issues and to show each of them how to achieve harmony and balance in the lives and in their homes. Lead them Father where they need to go to receive the help and guidance they are seeking. For those who feel lost and alone, in the dark, in dispair and are feeling doomed, I asked God to allow us to be like lighthouses in the storms, to take those who are marching courageously forward and shine upon them his loving light so that those who are living in fear might see that there is a better way, that there is hope and that there is resolve. "Allow me to be the best I can be today Father, lead me to where I am needed and let me be that light that someone is so desperately seeking...." I pray these favors in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior, the one who died so that I could be. Amen

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