RIP sweet baby Colton.."in the arms of the angels"....

As many of you know I have been online a minimal amount the last few days due to this horrible cold and cough that I have been coping with. I have been in constant prayer for a very sweet little 8 month old who has become such a huge part of my internet life. Today it is with much sadness that I write this, the smiling, happy, little champion has earned his wings, he is now soaring in the eternities. Although we will never understand why babies have to leave us, we will never know the why while we live here on earth, one day we will know and it will all make perfect sense to us. God has a plan for each of us from the day we receive our earthly bodies..We can stand with our hands toward the sky asking God...why, why, why...and never know, but if we lift our hand and, how, how are we supposed to get through this, there will be the answer.
I know my words cannot take the pain you feel, for if they could I would shout them out! I know my empathy does not calm your heart, for if it could I would dish it out on a platter, I know my love cannot replace this baby for if it could I would pluck it from my chest and give it to you. I DO know that my prayers will be answered and that God will know just how to calm you, he will know just how to comfort you and he will give you knowledge that this is not a forever thing, one day you will stand at the gates of heaven and Colton will be standing there just on the other side, arms opened wide, a huge smile on his face, welcoming you home. He is there waiting for you and is watching over you in every step you take. The pain that you feel will be replaced with sheer joy and the time here that has been spent missing him  will be forever vanished from your heart. May you hold fast to the truth this day and every day forward that you will be together in the eternities never to feel this pain and suffering again. Know God's love, allow him to hold your heart in his hands today, may he thin the veil so that your memories of happy times with your baby be bold and viewable. May you see, hear, or smell something that allows you to know that he is right here with you. 

I ask you to join me in prayer for Colton's family, Father God we come to you in prayer asking that you embrace each of Colton's family members, that you pull them into your lap and cover them with your robes of comfort. Father the heartbreak of losing this baby is so sad, so many have been blessed by getting to know him and his story, we have been as cheerleaders standing on the sidelines cheering him on, we have been with them through the ups and downs and the ups again. Father I have no words that can consol them, I have no words to take the pain, but I know that you do and I pray that they will still their thoughts and allow your words of love to pass over them, that you will allow them the knowledge that baby Colton is perfect now, there are no wires, no IV's, no machines...there are no doctor's, no nurse's, not pain, no worry, no tears...there is only love and perfection, his little liver is whole and he is alive, he is laughing, he is giggling, he is crawling and is learning all that God has planned for him. Father although the tears are falling from my eyes, I am filled with peace in knowing that this little angel will no longer suffer. He fought a mighty battle father, he never lost his smile and I have no doubt that they job you have for him there in paradise has to do with his beautiful eyes and his forever smile. I ask for peace in the minds of all who are lamenting this day, I ask for calm in heart for all who feel that theirs has broken, and I ask for comfort today and in the coming days as they prepare for the "until we meet again" celebration of his life. In the name of Jesus Christ I ask for these mercies, favors and blessings. Amen

A Child Loaned
"I'll lend you for a little time A child of Mine." He said. "For you to love the while he lives And mourn for when he's dead.
It may be six or seven year Or twenty-two or three But will you, till I call him back Take care of him for Me?
He'll bring his charms to gladden you And should his stay be brief, You'll have his lovely memories As solace for your grief.
I cannot promise he will stay Since all from Earth return, But there are lessons taught down there I want the child to learn. I've looked this wide world over In my search for teacher's true, And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes, I have selected you;
Now will you give him all your love, Nor think the labour vain Nor hate Me when I come to call And take him back again?
I fancied that I heard them say, "Dear Lord, Thy will be done, For all the joy Thy child shall bring, For the risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter him with tenderness, We'll love him while we may, And for the happiness we've known, Forever grateful stay. But should the angels call for him Much sooner than we planned, We'll brave the bitter grief that comes And try to understand."

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