Praise report from the Brown's, baby John and Sleeping Beauty are amazing!!!

Down on my knees weeping with thanks for the progress that is being made....We continue to pray for this sweet family, will you join us? I am standing on my faith, believing, that Heather will wake up totally and be able to step right in and be the best mommy in the whole world!!! God is so good!!!!

"Had a great visit with Heather on Tuesday. She held her eyes open for 4 hours. As we arrived the therapist were taking her to the gym. They said her eyes were open when they got her. I joined them in the gym. She pulled her right arm to her chest and grabbed my hand on command. She is attempting to speak. Her lips are trying to form words but only "hums" come out. They asked her to hold her head up, but she decided to lift her shoulders and try to sit up. Once back in the room Heather and John stared at each other for a long time. I payed beside her looking into her eyes. She would lean closer and closer until our noses touched. She then fell asleep. Thank you Lord for all your healing. Thank you friends for all your prayers and gifts."

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