Prayers, prayers, prayers, please come and pray with us!!!

Happy Saturday, as I sit here looking out my front window at the snow falling I am thankful for my little box apartment and so very thankful for the warmth that it provides us from this frigid cold. I pray your day is full of thanksgiving for the simple yet most important comforts that you are given today!

There are so many in need of prayer this morning, I so appreciate all who come and pray with us here each day and please know that we are always here to pray with/for you as well. Today I would like to post a prayer request for baby Colton, who has been in need of a liver since he was born, he finally got the liver and although the new liver is functioning as it should, he continues to have health issues now with an over abundance of fluid that could be leading to pneumonia. This sweet angel has not known the fun of life as of yet, he has been sick since day one and has never known freedom from illness, he has been in the hospital more than not...Father God bless this baby with your powerful hand of healing, take the issues he is dealing with now and allow him to become stronger and stronger so that he can go home with his mommy and daddy and play like all little boys his age do. Bless his family as they go through the day to day trials of having a sick child, calm their fears and allow them to know that you are there with them each step of the way. I also would like to ask prayer for my "other mother" My sweet Jean who has been like a mom to me since I have been here in Utah, she is such a delight in my life and has opened her arms and allowed me to be one of her own. She is as I type being taken in for a stint to relieve pressure she has been having in her heart. Please Father allow her to feel a great sense of her husband Al as she is being taken care of , he always calmed and comforted her and I know if she can feel his presence she will be calm and filled with peace and hope that the procedure will be a success and she will be brought back to strength. I ask that you continue to pray for my cousin who is suffering stage four cancer and having a really difficult time controlling his anger as to this disease, Father bless him with calm and make known to him that he is loved and that he will soon be free of this disease and in perfect form. Father I thank you for always hearing us, for always providing a way for us and for always loving us. In the name of Jesus Christ we ask for these blessings and for blessing for those in need of other prayers. Amen. 

Please if you have need for special prayer allow us the honor of praying for you...Leave your request in the comment section and know you are with us! Love in Christ to each of you!

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